A great idea. Then, when you have to spend four donalds for a carton of eggs you’ll remember why voting for con-men is a bad idea.
Shhh… do you even know how easy that will be to forge? ;) ;)
$4? Shit it was $6 at the local Aldi yesterday.
Four donalds, aka four hundred dollars ($400)
How much are goofies worth?
He just told you. $400
Huhyulk! Goarsh!
Oooh my brain just “auto corrected” it to “dollars” when I was reading it.
More likely this is so the money launderers can have icon recognition.
President Trump could be enjoying his golden years golfing and spending time with his family," Gill told Fox News Digital. "Instead, he took a bullet for this country and is now working overtime…
- Wasn’t he golfing yesterday?
- We all know he hates his family and is happy to avoid them.
- “Took a bullet” is akin to me saying I was stabbed in the face by a deranged idiot when I cut myself shaving.
- Working overtime at what exactly? Are his tiny chode fingers getting tired from signing a few bits of paper?
Didn’t the bullet go through his ear and kill a firefighter?
Bullet never touched him. The blood was splatter. He wore a bandage for 2 days for show. When it came off there was not a scratch.
I work at a hospital and have worked with hundreds of patients around his age. When you’re that old, your skin is like paper thin and tears extremely easy. I’ve slid patients from one bed to another and tore skin. Donald Trump was tackled by secret service. Maybe it was his blood but I highly doubt he took a bullet or any shrapnel from glass or anything else.
Yeah… I’m willing to buy that he had immediate, top grade treatment, I’m willing to accept that the bullet barely grazed him and it bled a lot
But I’m not willing to believe he healed that fast or that perfectly. There’s no notch from any angle, no scab, nothing - just a few days later there was no sign of it. And he was milking it for all he had… And yet, aside from that blood on the scene, all we ever saw was comically oversized bandages, then normal ones during more serious meetings, then nothing
Conspiracy theories don’t help. Especially since there was a photo with the bullet mid flight.
I thought it was widely accepted that the bullet itself didn’t him hit, it was shrapnel from the poidum
It was questioned in July. Just because it was widely accepted in your furry discord server doesn’t mean that it’s widely accepted generally
Nothing in my comment necessitated such a shitty reply.
Get a fuckin grip, loser
Can I get an invite tho?
They point a lot too. Fat little fingers
Just so everyone’s aware, it’s super duper illegal to deface currency.
So like, it would be against the law to use a sharpie to add a Hitler mustache to Trump’s face on said dollar bill; or add an arm extended in a Nazi salute; or add swastikas over ‘god’ where it says “In god we trust”; to then bring it to a bank and report that you received defaced currency and would like to exchange it for new bills, only to do it all again.
So… y’know, probably don’t do those things.
It’s also illegal for a living person to be featured in our currency.
“ThE rUlEs SaY a DoG cAnT pLaY bAsKeTbAlL!1!!”
18th consecutive golden retriever dunk
It’s more a legally gray area in the US that as far as I can find from a quick search has never been settled in court. It likely isn’t worth the time for police to go after either even if it was more explicitly illegal.
That might change if there’s a sudden surge in people drawing on $100 bills, but who uses $100s that often anyway? Most ATMs I used only dispense $20s. It often isn’t worth the trip to the bank, and the US is unfortunately mostly cashless now.
But to be clear: fuck this fascist bullshit and resist in whatever ways you can
There’s an argument we shouldn’t even be issuing $100 bills in the first place. Counterfeiters have to spend money to copy money. A $1 or $5 bill isn’t worth the cost. A $50 is getting there, but if you put extra anti-counterfeiting measures around it, then it’s pushed out of reach again.
Once you reach a $100 bill, though, it’s hard to have enough anti-counterfeiting measures while also being cheap enough to produce by the actual US Mint. Drop it entirely, and the problem goes away.
Look if you hate hip-hop music videos… 😉
Ngl I’d withdraw all my money in hundreds. Draw on them. Then return them to the bank.
It’s not illegal as long as you’re not trying to get it out of circulation, advertise, or pass off one denomination as another. So deface away.
(note: I am not a lawyer, do not believe some random person on the internet)
At this rate he might do it himself.
Sidenote: I spent a couple of years working in Nigeria. Almost all bank notes there had some scribble on it, as it frequently doubled as note paper. When you don’t have Post-its, cash will do, I guess.
it’s super duper illegal to deface currency.
Um, no. It’s not.
18 U.S. Code § 333 - Mutilation of national bank obligations
I guess there’s some wiggle room with regards to intent and whether it could be argued that adding Nazi iconography (moreso than trump’s face as-is) to bills renders them unfit to be kept in circulation.
If my personal freedom was on the line here, I’m sticking with “idk it was like that when I got it - can I get a new one please?” vs “ooh come on, it’s fiiine, you can still spend this!” but interpreting the law isn’t my specialty, so grain of salt.
We’re a long way from “super duper illegal” now aren’t we? Intent is everything. If you’re not attempting fraud nobody will care.
Then do the thing? Is super duper illegal different from regular illegal? Why are we bashing heads over the use of ‘super duper’ in NotTheOnion in the first place?
You ever see one of those souvenir penny stamp machines? It’s simply not illegal depending on your intent. People often think “intent” is just some weird “technicality” but it’s part of the law.
Why are you wrapping random words with quotation marks? It reads like it’s being spoken aloud by Dr. Evil. Anyway, gonna go with the wording of the law itself over a wiki article about it:
18 U.S. Code § 331 - Mutilation, diminution, and falsification of coins
This one’s specific to coins. Anecdotally I was always told they were legal because pennies are explicitly an exception to that law. So, it’s either that or it’s in j-walking territory where it may be illegal, but no one gives a shit enough to enforce it.
…also coins aren’t really relevant here anyway - the conversation is about defacing paper bills if they decide to soil them with Trump’s traitorous image.
the conversation is about defacing paper bills if they decide to soil them with Trump’s traitorous image.
Which is not at all illegal by any standard you’ve provided yet.
So…America…you guys really are about a step-and-a-half away from this?
Get your shit together. Christ.
There’s already proposals to put his face on Mt Rushmore, so yes.
If they do, the mountain would collapse. They should go for it.
Already nose diving face first. Steps are gone.
I don’t know what this image is, but I’m pretty sure later in life he’s going to assemble the power rangers.
It was Benito Mussolini’s headquarters in Rome during WW2
Well if they do that, I’ll draw at least 2 dicks pointed towards his mouth on each one that I handle
I know right, please do, I’ll get fucking creative.
Man, these bootlickers are so pathetic. The lengths they go to to kiss his ass would be cringe even if it was towards an actual great person. The fact that it’s directed at this hateful, disgusting man is the saddest thing…
good way to cause a run on $50 bills when everyone refuses to accept a $100
Don’t you have to be dead to be on currency? If so he can be on any bill he wants long as he is dead.
Just in case people didn’t know they were heading into a personality cult dictatorship already.
Whatever. Go for it, cultists.
This type of shit is just noise meant to distract and overwhelm people from paying attention to the stuff that matters.
What this guy said^^ focus on the real issues and watch out for the other sleight of hand cause in the end that’s all it is. They want us bickering with each other while closed door deals are being finalized
Not putting him on the $100,000 bill is slap in the face.
the way trumpflation is going it’ll be worth $100 anyway
Doesn’t DJT has to die soon for that?
What a massive waste of taxpayer money.
What a massive defacement of taxpayer money.
lol … by the time they do pass regulations and laws to do all this … 1 Trump will be worth nothing
It will be like the German Reichsmark and they’ll be printing out so much of it, that these paper bills will be more valuable as a fuel source to cook your food than in actually purchasing anything of value.
“1 Trump will be worth nothing” vs the immense value one Trump has now. lol.
In the tradition of USA currency being only for dead presidents - I will gladly allow Trump’s face on any bill if he’s the one to pull the trigger
That’s actually a far point
Excellent news since only dead people are permitted on $US. When’s he dying? I have March 5th 2025 in the pool.
Personally, I’m hoping it falls on my birthday