• @[email protected]
    104 hours ago

    I know some people like this too.

    To be fair, a nontrivial number of them are middle/upper management, but it’s not the entirety of the people I know who want this.

    The answer isn’t work-from-home, nor is it return-to-office. The answer is: give people a choice.

    If you want to work from home, cool, we don’t need to maintain your cubicle, and/or, we can hire more people without needing more office space. If you want to return to office, cool, your space is waiting for you.

    A few will retain the ability to switch back and forth, but the majority of people I’ve talked to about it, either want office or home exclusively. Very few want hybrid.

    • @[email protected]
      33 hours ago

      I’m one that prefers being in the office. My productivity goes to shit when I’m at home because there’s too much other stuff I can do. I also like talking to my coworkers face to face just in general because people are usually more empathetic in person. That being said I don’t think it should be forced on anyone if it’s not necessary to work in the office. The rest of my team works from home without issue as far as I can tell. We are fortunate in that our employer does not have an issue with WFH.