• @[email protected]
    174 hours ago

    I know some tech workers who really want to return to office full time along with everyone else. They miss the old way. It’s not everyone, and it’s definitely not me, but it’s a legitimate position. I guess now they know where they can go.

    • kingthrillgore
      93 hours ago

      Hey I can relate. I miss the office too. I was far more productive there and the cooperation and mental space was better there too. But this is a new world we live in, and if you want me to drive to an office, you had better be ready to pay me a fair salary for it.

      Oh, you won’t? Guess I’ll go elsewhere.

    • @[email protected]
      52 hours ago

      I know some people like this too.

      To be fair, a nontrivial number of them are middle/upper management, but it’s not the entirety of the people I know who want this.

      The answer isn’t work-from-home, nor is it return-to-office. The answer is: give people a choice.

      If you want to work from home, cool, we don’t need to maintain your cubicle, and/or, we can hire more people without needing more office space. If you want to return to office, cool, your space is waiting for you.

      A few will retain the ability to switch back and forth, but the majority of people I’ve talked to about it, either want office or home exclusively. Very few want hybrid.

      • @[email protected]
        11 hour ago

        I’m one that prefers being in the office. My productivity goes to shit when I’m at home because there’s too much other stuff I can do. I also like talking to my coworkers face to face just in general because people are usually more empathetic in person. That being said I don’t think it should be forced on anyone if it’s not necessary to work in the office. The rest of my team works from home without issue as far as I can tell. We are fortunate in that our employer does not have an issue with WFH.

    • @[email protected]
      150 minutes ago

      I personally prefer to work in the office, but when there’s no-one else on it. When offices started opening up again, going to the office and having the floor to myself was fantastic. It’s felt like in my college years studying late in the library. I had all the resources I needed and there were no chit-chat in the background or people coming in to talk to me.

    • @[email protected]
      153 minutes ago

      I can focus a lot better when I’m at the office. I guess part of it is that I’m surrounded by people who are also working. There’s too many distractions at home.

      Having said that, my employer only requires us to go into the office three days per week, which I think is a good compromise.