The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Expert-Age6450 on 2024-05-19 18:26:48.

My husband and I have a 5 y/o son. He’s a good kid, but he’s a handful, the way all young kids are. I for one am exhausted by parenthood and we definitely will not be having more children.

My husband loves to travel, and he still talks about our honeymoon to Europe on a regular basis. This was eight years ago, long before we had our child, and I admit that was a fabulous trip. But ever since we got pregnant, my husband daydreamed about taking our child along to Europe, showing them sights, etc. He never got that experience as a child and wanted our son to have that. I did travel as a young child, but it was definitely a lot for my parents to deal with and in hindsight, it would’ve just been easier to wait till we were older.

With the summer coming up, my husband is insisting on planning a trip to Europe for the three of us. He would’ve pushed for it sooner but COVID was a factor for the first couple years, and then after that it still didn’t feel like the right time. We’ve taken small road trips with our son before, a few hours driving distance mostly to see family members. Last summer we did a trip to Disney World with my in laws and while that was fine, it was so draining and I think my son was a bit young for it and we should’ve waited a couple more years. I feel like for Europe, even more so. Maybe when he’s well into grade school, 8 or 9?

I brought this up with my husband and he’s begging me to reconsider, he misses traveling so much and hates that we never go anywhere. I reminded him that ‘going places’ is 5x more work now than it was pre-kids. He’s a very involved dad but he tends to see things like this with rose colored glasses, while I’m more detail oriented and can foresee all the tiny little problems. In short, this wouldn’t be a vacation at all.

AITA for asking my husband to postpone his dream once again until kiddo is older?