The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Business_Drama_4557 on 2024-05-19 10:26:20.

Hi reddit,

I’m a married M32 without kids. My sister is an unmarried F28 with 3 kids. I am the godfather of her oldest son 6. My sister is a stay at home mom that never really worked and who always seemed to find someone taking care of her. At first our parents, who had to help her out a lot because “she really didn’t have it easy with all her health stuff” - she has allergies - and then her boyfriend (father of the 3 kids). Money with them is always tight since the guy doesn’t earn a lot and my sister has a good habit of spending cash on cloths she really can’t afford. Now, out of the blue, she asked me to have a serious talk with her. Long story short, she confronted me about not helping them out money wise since " you don’t have any kids, and it takes a village to raise children. Also, you are the godfather of M6 and by agreeing to that you should feel at least some responsibility to take care of him". I was mildly shocked at that and told her that this is again her not owning up to her own life choices and wanting others to take care of whatever mess she got herself into. I gift generous presents to all 3 kids, I watch them sometimes for days just so their parents can have some time off and her comments hurt me deeply. Especially because she said that “Mom and dad agree with me and are a little disappointed to help me out financially”. I refused all of it, got angry and told her to leave. Now she calls me childish, resentful and selfish for putting myself above the children of the family. In her opinion, its all because I am still jealous of her being the favorite child and getting along better with our parents.

Is that the case? Am I the bitter asshole that doesn’t want to help because I am upset she always got away with things and still does? In all honesty, that is a point that still bugs me … do I now let that out at her children with not helping?

Edit: Horrible spelling and a BIG Thank you to everyone, this gave me some really good perspectives on this thing!