• ReCursing
    47 months ago

    They are both awful, yes, but one side is distinctly worse than the other

    • ComradeSharkfucker
      27 months ago

      But having to vote for 100% hitler or 99% hitler means the current form of our electoral system should be dismantled (at the very least) no?

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            07 months ago

            I forgot, which two countries just vetoed a US resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza linked to a hostage deal?

                • @[email protected]
                  7 months ago

                  Here is the text of the tweet and the text of the tweet quoted in it:

                  A draft that does not demand an immediate ceasefire, but instead suggests one might be negotiated if certain conditions are met, and that genocidal attacks can otherwise continue, is not a ceasefire resolution. It is a ransom note.

                  It quotes the following by Al Jazeera English:

                  The US has drafted a new UN Security Council resolution that appears to support a ceasefire in Gaza, after blocking several other attempts at achieving a truce. Al Jazeera’s @baysontheroad looks at what the new US document says.

                  The quoted aje tweet is in reference to this video and the video is embedded in the tweet.

                  E: what do you do when you don’t have someone around to copy and paste shit from twitter? It seems absurd to block twitter but not have any way of accessing information that’s distributed on that website…

            • @[email protected]
              07 months ago

              I forget, which country gives Israel the tools it needs to kill hundreds of thousands of children and maintain an apartheid state?

          • @[email protected]
            07 months ago

            To your point, 33% Hitler is still better than 99% Hitler. Trump will bring this world into World War 3 by destabilizing Europe.

          • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
            -17 months ago

            Joe Biden, who is the President of a country that has been trying to negotiate a cease fire, and is sending aid to Gaza is responsible for the actions of a completely separate and sovereign nation?

            • @[email protected]
              17 months ago

              “Hey calm down do a ceasefire”

              “No. May I please have more ordnance so I can keep doing my genocide?”


              • Zammy95
                07 months ago

                I didn’t realize this until a sticker on a gas pump educated me. Stay woke friends

            • @[email protected]
              07 months ago

              The one secretly sending israel weapons to commit Genocide with, and the only reason israel is able to continue their Genocide?

              The Joe Biden blocking ceasefire resolutions at the UN?

              Genocide Joe?

              Yeah that one.

        • @[email protected]
          07 months ago

          The Palestinians would liken him at least to the Emperor of Japan in WWII. Not quite Hitler levels but still supporting the guy

        • Sybil
          07 months ago

          hitler could never imagine having the power of the presidency under pax americana, but he would have loved to translate the “racial jungle” speech. the supreme irony of biden’s dog literally attacking federal law enforcement while people are in prison for the same thing is palpable. kids in cages, building a border wall, and supplying arms to the middle east to prop up an ethnostate. look… how much hitler are you willing to tolerate?

        • @[email protected]
          07 months ago

          He’s a far cry from it for certain, but he shares a considerable amount of responsibility for what is occurring in Gaza that a lot of people feel uncomfortable with that.

          I’m sure some people have already forgotten because China and Russia recently vetoed the last conflict resolution proposed in the U.N. but don’t let that stop you from remembering that our U.N. ambassador, appointed by the President who can revoke that appointment, issued multiple vetoes against multiple Gaza conflict resolution proposals previously.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            It’s not an accident that people suddenly care so much about US foreign policy when it’s convenient to bash Biden before an election. It’s a very concerted propaganda effort on social media that you’re either intentionally or unintentionally a part of.

            Before the last election Trump tried to extort Ukraine by withholding military aid unless Ukraine helped investigate his political opponent, Biden.

            I don’t agree with what’s happening in Israel/Palestine either, but I’m more concerned at how often it’s being used as this “trump card” to lower Biden to Trump’s level. It’s still not remotely close.

            • @[email protected]
              07 months ago

              I don’t agree with what’s happening in Israel/Palestine either, but I’m more concerned at how often it’s being used as this “trump card” to lower Biden to Trump’s level. It’s still not remotely close.

              (Holds up mirror)

              • @[email protected]
                07 months ago

                There probably isn’t a single politician that I fully agree with.

                There are different levels of disagreement and what I’m pointing out is people trying to use Gaza as a way to fully discredit Biden as a candidate because they have no other scandals to use against him.

                • @[email protected]
                  07 months ago

                  You’re more concerned with how this will affect Biden than the actual genocide itself? That’s what I’m pointing out you saying in your comment.

            • @[email protected]
              07 months ago

              I really dislike how this always comes down to whataboutism.

              I already consider Biden to be the lesser of the two evils here. That doesn’t mean I have to look away from his actions though, nor does it mean I have to support them.

              • @[email protected]
                07 months ago

                You can have genocide in Gaza, or you can have genocide in Gaza and (“stepping-stone”) Ukraine. Its an unfortunate choice, but an important one nonetheless. If im harping on a moot point to you bc you already know this, rest assured i say this for all other readers as well. Your votes down ballot are also extremely valuable. This primary there was a referendum in my county that I was in favor of that passed by less than 100 votes.

              • @[email protected]
                07 months ago

                The Gaza example was already whataboutism. I only bring up the Trump example to emphasize that we already have historical evidence that he won’t handle Ukraine or Gaza any better than Biden has. He only uses those situations to benefit himself.

                I agree that being the lesser of two evils doesn’t absolve Biden’s part in it, but I hope you reconsider supporting him. As frustrating as it is that neither is perfect, it doesn’t help anyone to allow an even worse candidate to win in protest.

                • @[email protected]
                  07 months ago

                  How was it whataboutism? I didn’t see anyone comparing him to Trump when I was replying. Hitler is absolutely not the any kind of standard that we should be comparing most politicians to hopefully. I’m also painfully aware that Trump is far worse in regards to foreign policy. I can imagine him offering further support to Israel even.

                  Look. I’ve already resolved to vote for Biden. There really isn’t much choice, but that doesn’t mean I have to ignore what he’s responsible for. Nor should history forget it either. If that somehow hinders his campaign, then so be it. Anyone who votes for Biden without these considerations is an accessory to the genocide though.

          • JJROKCZ
            07 months ago

            Every president since Eisenhower shares responsibility for what is happening in Gaza, but that doesn’t mean we vote for the end of democracy in the US.

            Biden calls for ceasefire while still supplying Israel = bad

            Trump says Israel would finish the job under his administration = magnitudes worse, the fucker is a few syllables away from literally saying final solution

          • @[email protected]
            07 months ago

            Yeah… actually. I know, craziness. But its true. Everyone drinks from the wrong cup of kool aid at the party eventually. We need to have empathy and sympathy for those led astray.

            That was answering the first question, anyway. For the second, id say a resound, “fuck no!” but that unfortunately doesnt negate the answer to the first question :(

      • @[email protected]
        17 months ago

        Except it’s not.

        Here in Australia we have preferential voting which is much better, but Biden and Trump are not the same.

        Honestly, this is just the current strategy that right wingers seem to have switched to

        Trump is a total psychopath who only cares about himself. He’s a criminal. The fact they’re trying hard to indict Biden, have for months but have found nothing should be a strong indicator he’s not (his son might be, but that has nothing to do with Biden, since unlike Trump’s kids, he wasn’t part of government).

        Trump made it clear he would cause a insurrection months before it happened, and now he’s backed into a corner, what do you think will happen if he becomes president? He’s made it clear that he will act like a dictator

        Seriously, if you guys vote Trump, it will f*** everyone. They’re not the same

        • @[email protected]
          07 months ago

          Hunter did nothing worse than what the children of most politicians have done. Hell, Joe Manchin’s daughter is the reason epipens cost $500 each. Why isn’t she being investigated?

          Because the charges are bullshit and Manchin votes with republicans.

          • @[email protected]
            07 months ago

            In this context, ‘you guys’ refers to USA as a whole.

            It is important for the world that the USA doesn’t elect a deranged dictator. So I hope you, as an individual, will vote for the better candidate.

      • @[email protected]
        07 months ago

        Yeah dude, let me just dismantle America rn. In the meantime, fuck anyone on the Republican shit list. They should of focused on dismantling america rather than transing their genders or whatever. Don’t worry, after this revolution I’m gonna do they totally will be accepted and not targeted. But until then, doing minor actions that in no way hinder the progress towards dismantling america but do make the life’s of queer folk maybe less concentration campy is pointless because thats only 1% less Hitler to me, and why would I care about that? A worthy sacrifice. I mean if I took the day to go vote, my whole socialist output, organizing and networking collapses! They are a sacrifice that I am willing to make. Thank you for opening my eyes.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          If Joe Biden wants me to vote for him, maybe he should use his executive powers to help my trans comrades facing persecution in red states

          Liberals act like democrats are the only thing standing between us and Republicans, and that if Republicans win it’ll be the end of the world, so why aren’t they out there standing between? Why aren’t they willing to actually use force against the fascists?

          If democrats think Trump is literally Hitler, the jackass obviously stole nuclear secrets, put him on trial and execute him for treason when he is found guilty.

          But the democrats obviously won’t do this. Because they’re not on your side. They’re the good cop to the republican bad cop.

          • the post of tom joad
            17 months ago

            I think a lot of the blue no matter who types are following the dem line. You can’t attack Biden, sure. But the point they argue is always pushing ones mind towards the two party system. They don’t want people to even start thinking about talking about 3rd party. Cuz the Democrat’s (the party, not the voters) only platform is being better than Republicans and voting for a third party would ruin their whole thing.

            It’s working too. I had forgotten there even was a green party lol and they’ve been around since before i could vote.

            • @[email protected]
              07 months ago

              I dont even think it is about 3rd party stuff, I think it is about

              “The facade of democracy gives us legitimacy, come on folks just participate in our democracy! Don’t think about how the system could be otherwise changed!”

        • ComradeSharkfucker
          7 months ago

          Dawg have you met communists??? A large portion of us are queer, i’m queer. Are you suggesting that i should vote for genocide Joe out of fear of being persecuted? I can accomplish a lot through literally every political avenue other than voting

          • @[email protected]
            07 months ago

            It seems pretty clear that queer people would be persecuted a hell of a lot more under Trump than Biden.

            • @[email protected]
              17 months ago

              Woman here.

              I lost my reproductive rights under Biden and a democratic house and senate. They did nothing to save Roe other than howl at the moon and write strongly worded letters.

              Fuck both parties. Fuck electorial politics. We COULD elect a green party president but people like you swallow the party line and spend your time yelling at us to vote for your shit candidates who don’t want to work for us instead of actually working to put people in power who want to protect AND expand rights.

              I’ve been in this game a long ass time. The two party system will lead us to fascism eventually. The only way to win is to refuse to play their game.

              • @[email protected]
                07 months ago

                Roe getting gutted was the result of conservative judges that got appointed to the supreme court and the states that have taken further steps to restrict are republican run states. The majority that the Dems had was very slim not enough to get a lot passed especially when the “majority” included “moderates” like Manchin and Sinema.

                I agree the Dems and libs suck. If they werent so smugly sure that clinton would win 2016 they would have not played politics and forced in their supreme court pick and we would have less of a minority.

                Roe getting gutted is the result of a decades long plan by the republican party and letting them them win a majority again will only make things worse.

                • @[email protected]
                  17 months ago

                  And yet Biden refused to stack the court when he had the power too. And his party refused to codify roe into law since the supreme court decided the case in the 70’s. Obama even ran on codification in his first campaign and started out with a super majority.

                  It’s the fault of republican assholery and democratic lazyness.

            • Sybil
              07 months ago

              It seems pretty clear that queer people would be persecuted a hell of a lot more under Trump than Biden.

              from what i can tell, it’s getting wors, not better, in the last 5 years. i have no reason to believe it would get better with either of them.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Do you actually care about queer people? Because it is obvious that the democrats as a national party will do nothing to protect us, let alone build bulwarks against the next time Republicans take power nationally.

              “Vote to get sent to a camp four years later” is what I hear the democrats trying to sell. Sorry but that isn’t a very compelling sales pitch, because you’re out here admitting “we are going to kill you”

            • the post of tom joad
              07 months ago

              maybe federally. Maybe. They definitely wouldn’t do anything to stop red states from implementing hurtful anti trans laws.

              That is simply a possibility however. But we are in the now, with a Democrat controlling the executive branch. what are Democrats doing with their executive power to stop Republicans in red states from doing whatever they want?

              If youre having a hard time coming up with anything, don’t worry, so are we.

              Is Biden doing anything now? Trans people are hiring now. How can you tell them “well it won’t be better, but it could be way worse” and feel good about what that means to them?

              • @[email protected]
                07 months ago

                Because that’s fucking reality right now. We are living in a hellscape and I’d like to at the very least slow down the fucking. 4 years later is 4 more years to do something. Even if it doesn’t fix the problem, it’s at least slower, less severe. And not voting isn’t going to change that. It does nothing. It makes no statement, it makes no progress. You feel better not voting for Joe? Cool, so happy for you. Meanwhile Trump wins and someone’s life gets worse than it would have. It’s a shitty choice but that’s the reality. So unless you wanna pick up a gun and start taking shots at the expense of your own life, take the 5 seconds to do the smallest act of kindness you have with this impossible choice

                • the post of tom joad
                  7 months ago

                  Even if it doesn’t fix the problem, it’s at least slower, less severe. And not voting isn’t going to change that. It does nothing. It makes no statement, it makes no progress. You feel better not voting for Joe? Cool, so happy for you.

                  Ok, first, it is only less severe than something in our heads. Dems aren’t slowing anything. Second: yo, what is this? Who said i wasn’t voting? What’s this attitude youre sending?

                  If I’ve done something to raise your ire im prepared to apologize, but if not maybe think about how you present yourself

                • @[email protected]
                  07 months ago

                  Who are you going to vote for when 2028 is Mitt Romney (D) versus Marjorie Taylor Green ®? Because that’s the path lesser-evilism will lead us too.

          • @[email protected]
            07 months ago

            Wow. The blue no matter who liberals are downvoting a queer person now. It’s almost like they don’t give a shit about your needs as a person and only want to campaign on an abstract that is LGBTQ rights.

            Solidarity with you, comrade.

          • @[email protected]
            07 months ago

            And what does voting do to hinder those things? We both communists but you act like if you vote everything you else do doesn’t matter. You act like if you dare vote in favor of any kind of harm reduction that you somehow ain’t a communist or you somehow are contributing. That’s not how that works. One of these two options will happen. The least you can do is take half a second to pick the one that will kill less people in the meantime while we keep working.

            If your complaint is that “I don’t wanna contribute to the system” then the fuck are you doing here? Go to the woods and punch trees like the libertarians. You live and participate in capitalism weather you like it or not, and in the meantime you play games, watch movies and pay rent. You already prop up genocide Joe with your taxes I’m sure you pay. Drawing the line at voting is just silly

            • ComradeSharkfucker
              07 months ago

              I won’t take a second to vote for him in part because it makes me stomach churn but also because without the threat of losing voters democrats literally have no incentive to impliment leftist policies. As a communist i’d expect you to be aware of that? I’m not a reformist and I don’t believe that socialism can be voted into existence but I definitely see how voting blue no matter who is incredibly short sighted.

              Why should our “left” political party do anything that benefits the proletariat if they will still be voted into office if they don’t. Ultimately the democratic party is a bourgeoisie organization that serves its own interests which directly conflict with the interests of the prole. They will not offer us the slightest concession if they do not stand to lose something by not doing so.

              • @[email protected]
                07 months ago

                Because the other option is more people suffer and I am not an accelerationist willing to hold my comrades lives hostage to prove a point to liberals. There are other means and methods. We can’t vote socialism in but that doesn’t mean we ignore it. It serves another purpose if not the one you want it to.

      • @[email protected]
        07 months ago

        Yes, but wisely by evolving beyond it, not by trying to fight a Goliath directly in their strongest areas. We’re smart, we should be able to come up with real solutions.

        Here’s weird thought experiment

        Think of our current government as scaffolding that we’re all standing on 100 floors high, that is right on top of a slave/homeless/refugee camp/zoo (i.e. vulnerable populations). This scaffolding must be replaced because it’s made out of rotting wood without sending us all crashing down on the camp and zoo killing billions of people and animals.

        How do we do it?

        The right wing position is to tear down the scaffolding by getting positions in site management and ordering replacing the rotting wood with broken plastic while kicking everyone they don’t like, sometimes pushing them off the scaffolding. Of course, they don’t care about any what the scaffolding is holding up or what’s below, they just realized they can use this scaffold system to gain power and money.

        The tankie position is to get your rotten wood hating friends together with their hammers and torches and start bashing. I guess they are either 1) seemingly unaware this will cause us all to fall, or 2) remember when it worked 100 years ago with the scaffolding was only 1 floor high and only a few people underneath and think it will be the same this time, or 3) are effectively right wingers on a different team in that they don’t care about collateral damage as long as their team can rise from the ashes into power.

        The liberal position is to put some polish on the wood and some rainbow and recycling stickers on some poles and send a few TV dinners below while we dump our trash down there and not admit that there are slaves down there making our stuff. The long-term problem of scaffold failure is talked about at various conferences and people donate millions to the “Replace the Rot” foundation.

        I say the best way to go about it is to replace it part by part as it stands. Depend less and less on the bits of rotting wood and more on the strong sustainable replacements we build. Don’t replace the very high bits that were built for ego by weak men, instead lift those underneath up onto the strong bits of the scaffold. Eventually we might realize that all that’s left of the old rotting scaffold is that weak bit holding on at the end, might as well lop that off now that it’s not critical to our survival anymore.

        Now imagine we have an election between two site managers. Neither of them has any real plans to replace this scaffolding, in fact both have plans to expand it. Both candidates support the genocide in the neighboring scaffold.

        Primary differences between candidates

        Candidate #1 is going to criminalize talking about the scaffolding, ban encryption to ensure you don’t talk about it, and start a new program to push more people off the scaffold.

        Candidate #2 is going to do too little too late when it comes to truly solving the rotting scaffold problem or stopping people from falling off the scaffold.

        Now ask yourself, under which candidate can I do more to solve the rotting scaffold problem directly? Under which candidate can I do my little part to solve the problem without falling or being pushed off the scaffold or being arrested? Under which candidate are fewer people going to be pushed off while me and my team go about fixing the scaffold ourselves because the leaders are unwilling or unable?

        Voting is not about putting your support behind a candidate or identifying with them, it’s a strategic decision taken to advance your goals.

        • Sybil
          07 months ago

          Voting is not about putting your support behind a candidate or identifying with them, it’s a strategic decision taken to advance your goals.

          maybe for you, but your values aren’t universal.

          • @[email protected]
            -17 months ago

            I suppose I should’ve said it shouldn’t be, people can and do of course think all kinds of silly and illogical things. It’s a poor strategic choice at the individual and group level to identify with a candidate but to each their own. Propaganda gets us all.

            • Sybil
              07 months ago

              , it’s a strategic decision taken to advance your goals.

              this part also assumed universal goals. one of my goals is to smash capital and the state. the democrat party will most definitely be part of that. voting for them doesn’t advance my goals.

                • Sybil
                  07 months ago

                  i don’t want the government involved in anything. why would i want them deciding the degree to which they should be involved in someone’s healthcare?

            • Sybil
              07 months ago

              Voting is not about putting your support behind a candidate

              this is the bit that i found most objectionable. almost all the rhetoric around an election talks about support: financial, popular, or political.

              voting is definitely supporting a candidate, pretty much any way you slice it.

              • @[email protected]
                -17 months ago

                almost all the rhetoric around an election talks about support: financial, popular, or political

                Yes, it’s to the candidtates benefit for voters to identify with candidates, it’s not generally in the voters interest.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          I love seeing incredibly uniformed opinions around Marxist leninist positions.

          Have you ever read like, anything a serious marxist leninist theorist and organizer wrote about conditions in the United States?

          • @[email protected]
            -17 months ago

            I have read some, but I don’t need to read deep republican theory to see why their ideas are fundamentally wrong any more than I need to “read theory” to see fundamental issues with “Marxist” positions.

            I’ve read “On Authority” and see it’s obvious flaws.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              I mean, you obviously have not read enough if you think MLs are “burn it all down, don’t worry about the consequences” you understand Republicans because you’ve been exposed to them throughout your life, how many times have you had a long conversation with a communist?

              I am not surprised someone linked you to “on authority” but reading a brief retort to anarchists is not the same as understanding dialectical materialism, scientific socialism, the business cycle, the tendency or rate of profit to fall, uneven development theory, marxist feminism, marxist anticolonialism, proletarian democracy, prefigurative politics, etc

              • @[email protected]
                7 months ago

                Why do you assume I don’t know these ideas just because I don’t agree with you? I am familiar with all of that, maybe not at your level, but enough to know I disagree fundamentally with the methods even if our compassion may be in common. I’ve talked with enough tankies that “burning it all down” is an apt enough description. War tends to do that.

                There is nothing I could read that would convince me that massive authoritarian power structures put in place by war are the way to a stable sustainable peaceful future, the same way nothing I could read would make me believe in santa claus.

                • @[email protected]
                  7 months ago

                  Why do you assume I don’t know these ideas just because I don’t agree with you?

                  Because you straight up said you’ve avoided looking into it in detail, your previous words:

                  I have read some, but I don’t need to read deep republican theory to see why their ideas are fundamentally wrong any more than I need to “read theory” to see fundamental issues with “Marxist” positions.

                  Also because from what I’ve read, you take a fundamentally reformist position which Marx painstakingly disproved the viability of over 150 years ago. If you’ve read capital to completion, or hell, just understood some of their short texts very well and extrapolated things yourself, you’d know a reformist position is unviable, and even if it were viable, would be magnitudes more violent than the worst mistakes and excesses of any ML movement.

                  I disagree fundamentally with the methods even if our compassion may be in common.

                  What methods do you disagree were inappropriate for the situations they occurred in? Because marxist leninists will probably agree that there was a mistake there to learn from, or will point out factors that might you might be uniformed or misinformed about.

        • ComradeSharkfucker
          07 months ago

          Oh my sweet uninformed reformest, my undying love 😘

          Sorry i shouldn’t be too sarcastic, but really you’re so close. I’ve been where you are. If you’re interest in learning why I changed my views I’d recommend reading Reform or Revolution by Rosa Luxembourg. In short, while unions, reformists, and the expansion of social democracy are important to the development of clsss consciousess, they alone cannot create a socialist society. Revolution is required.

          • @[email protected]
            -17 months ago

            I’m almost as enlightened as you are huh? lol

            Who said I want a socialist society? I’m an anarcho-communist, I have never seen positions of authority, left or right, not abuse the position. A society that can function without some subset claiming authority and using violence to coerce others to gain and maintain power is what we should be striving for.

            • ComradeSharkfucker
              07 months ago

              Ancom fits yeah, and i dont entirely disagree with you. I just dont see how that can be accomplished without revolution. Those in power don’t typically give up that power without violence. I don’t see how infiltrating a system run by and for the ruling class, designed specifically to benefit them, and attempting to make it better is supposed to work. The ruling class could just get rid of you no?

              • @[email protected]
                -17 months ago

                I think I wasn’t clear in my language as multiple people didn’t get what I was intending to say. When I talked of replacing rotting wood part by part but not the high parts, depending less on the rotting parts and lifting people onto the strong parts of the scaffold I wasn’t talking about getting better people into office (though that can be part of making your job as a leftist easier and safer). I was talking about dual power and degrowth.

                I think it’s not radical communist to take a position that would likely lead to billions of people of dying from famine and lack of medicine etc only to put your favorite authoritarian into power to become corrupted itself over the following decades. All positions of power become corrupted, no exceptions. We need to move towards degrowth and decentralization of everything, especially power.

                The only reason 8 billion + people can live on this planet is because of the Green Revolution, i.e. nitrogen that comes from our oil industry. If we actually had the kind of revolution that could lead to a socialist system the delicate supply chains of oil and food globally would almost certainly be interrupted. This could lead to crop failures and famine, massive inflation and probably end up in more places going fascist than moving left. Unless you can teach enough people about socialism before the revolution, they’re going to look for safety and find a false sense of it in fascist authoritarians.

                Remember, the revolutions of the early 20th were before the Green Revolution, there were 2 billion people on the planet and a much larger percentage than today knew how to support themselves by growing food and hunting, protect themselves etc. Today a revolution like that would look more like Gaza is looking right now with an entire population on the brink of starving to death.

                If we actually want a better future, we need to build it, and not wait to start building until after some revolution that might never come. What does that look like? It looks like communities growing food together, protecting themselves without police, dropping out of popular culture, changing culture to not value what capitalists are selling us. We need cultural evolution, not war.

            • @[email protected]
              7 months ago

              Anarcho-communism is by definition socialist. It’s also far left wing. Be careful who you are criticising.

              • @[email protected]
                -17 months ago

                I suppose, these words are so nebulous. I understand socialism as needing a state and (real, not authoritarian) communism as being incompatible with a state.

                • @[email protected]
                  07 months ago

                  Then you understand it wrong. Communism is socialism by definition. Maybe try actually looking up the definition of socialism that marxists and anarchists actually use. It’s a broad term but not a nebulous one as it has a concrete definition: a society where the working class own/control the means of production.

            • Cowbee [he/him]
              07 months ago

              A reformist Anarchist? I have legitimately never heard of that kind of combination, lmao. You cannot achieve an ancom society via reform, that’s utter utopianism. Anarcho-communism can only be achieved via revolution, and not even the whole pitchforks and torches kind.

              Check Anarcho-Syndicalism if you want an actual, practical plan for achieving an Anarchist society, or read modern AnCom theory.

              • @[email protected]
                -17 months ago

                If these ideas are the only workable ideas, why have they failed for the last century?

                We need new ideas that are built on the understanding of our current world. Even places where “leftists” got to power they just turned into capitalist dictatorships or cruel experiments in how far propaganda can be pushed and how much populations can endure suffering and helplessness.

                You’re believing in silliness if you think violent revolution in 2024 will end up in anything but massive death and fascism. We don’t have the numbers to win, all we’d end up doing is scaring voters into putting people into power that will put you in prison and become dictators.

                • Cowbee [he/him]
                  07 months ago

                  They haven’t failed, I even suggested reading modern theory. Reform has never worked, and never gotten off the ground.

                  I didn’t suggest violent revolution, that’s why I’m suggesting you read modern Anarchist theory, like Anarcho-Syndicalist theory.

                  It’s like you read only keywords and answered off of vibes.

      • @[email protected]
        07 months ago

        yea but unless you think you can convince half the population to chop every billionaire’s head off we’ll just have to deal with it until we die of climate change

    • @[email protected]
      07 months ago

      The funny part as a third party voter, I think we would think different ones are distinctly worse.

        • @[email protected]
          -17 months ago

          I am not going to vote for trump, but I can see which party is using the government to attack him and how terrible the current admin has been doing.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            Yes, holding a person accountable for their crimes (maybe, jury is still out) is attacking them…

            Unless you’re talking media coverage. Cause we all know that the media is an arm of the government…

            • Tar_Alcaran
              17 months ago

              maybe, jury is still out

              Actually, for the New York civil fraud suit, Trump forgot to ask for a jury trial. But the judge very much found him guilty. In the E Jean Carol case, he was found guilty by not cooperating with discovery, and the jury was pretty clear on the 92m damages.

              So nah, the jury has made up their minds.

              • @[email protected]
                07 months ago

                Fair, I intended that more as an idiom really. I mean whether or not the punishment goes through. He’s so damned slippery I’m not taking anything as truth until the buildings have been seized/ he’s in jail.

                But yeah, they did make up their minds there.

            • @[email protected]
              -17 months ago

              Yes I am aware of the line “TRUMP BAD CRIMINAL!!!” so you guys cant see when malicious prosecution is happening. The facts are right in front of you, you can either follow your team to the countries destruction, or call out injustices. I already know you are going to just be a team player.

                • Rhynoplaz
                  07 months ago

                  It’s terribly rude to force rich white people to deal with the consequences of their illegal actions.

                • @[email protected]
                  -17 months ago

                  I suppose I might have used the word malicious wrongly because I am not a lawyer, but what i was referring to was all of the cases. I am in real estate and know the real estate one very well, and that is absolute bullshit, and he did nothing wrong. That is what I meant by the words malicous prosecution.

                • @[email protected]
                  -17 months ago

                  are you actually trying to argue that Donald Trump is in any way, shape, or form a victim of injustice?


                  Is this a joke?


                  And there are plenty of other examples of injustice when it comes to politics in the last few years.

              • @[email protected]
                07 months ago

                Is this not the point of a trial? To ascertain fact and adjudicate appropriately? Hell, this is explicitly the point of a grand jury, to determine if a trial is merited in the first place. And they’ve found, several times, that taking the charges to trial is justified. Not even that he’s guilty, but that it’s worth looking into.

                Additionally, what facts am I missing? He wasn’t exactly subtle with seeking to commit crimes (“Only stupid people pay taxes” comes to mind as a softball, but the fact that he was never held to the emoluments clause also stands out. Plus all the fraud and rape). Where is the misunderstanding in all this? He was found to be a rapist by a judge. He was found to have committed fraud by a different judge.

                • @[email protected]
                  07 months ago

                  The misunderstanding isn’t yours, it’s the general publics understanding of the legal system and it’s processes. Which has been misinformed by decades of American criminal dramas like Law and Order, CSI, and NCIS. No one in this thread will go to rich people court like Trump gets to, we all get regular court if we get the privileged right to a court date. So when misinformed Trump supporters hear the judge ruled from the bench they see an overreach. When Trump’s legal team presented such a bad defense and showed a complete disregard for the court and it’s ruling in their opinion it wasn’t his team who did a bad job, but a judge who never gave him a chance.

              • @[email protected]
                7 months ago

                The only things that the Biden administration has done that’s bad is genocide obviously, but a little genocide never hurt anybody… I guess you could try blaming him for inflation or gas prices, or the fallout of COVID-19, but that would be kind of dumb

                You can, of course, say he hasn’t done enough, which wouldn’t be wrong, but the things he’s done have had a pretty positive effect on the country and have brought us at least a little closer to the left – even with an opposing congress. I can’t say I like how he treats, say, nationalism and the Middle East, but he’s at least somewhat redeemed himself from just being a “moderate Republican” I would say. At least his administration has brought in officials who are tougher on corporations, even if he’s still a corporate Democrat.

                • @[email protected]
                  07 months ago

                  See the problem I have with the Israel argument is that a Trump admin would go even harder on supporting Israel, soooo

                • @[email protected]
                  07 months ago

                  The Biden regime still routinely kidnaps immigrant children from their families and puts them all in concentration camps.

                  “A little bit left” my whole ass.

      • @[email protected]
        07 months ago

        Do you have any particular policies or are you just going to make claims? Trump’s policies were not good for the American working class, which is the vast majority of Americans.

        His landmark legislation, the 2017 tax cuts, gave temporary marginal cuts to working people while giving substantial permanent cuts to corporations. He promised to fix healthcare. He didn’t. He promised to stop jobs from going overseas. He didn’t and, in fact, more jobs went overseas under him than Obama. He promised to fix the national debt. He increased it. He made a terrible deal with OPEC to cut oil production, which led to short term gains but eventually caused oil prices to skyrocket when economies recovered from Covid. His trade war with China hurt the US economy (for example, farmers who he had to bail out).

        These are just some examples. There are many Biden policies that I am against but if you’re going to claim this admin has been worse for Americans than Trump’s admin, you need to provide examples.

        • @[email protected]
          07 months ago

          I never said I like trump or all the things he did, but I do think its obvious he was/is better. Most presidents make lots of promises they intentioanlly or unintentionally dont follow through with. I can see you disagree with many of his policies, that is completely fair. But lets discuss what was wrong with Biden.

          Without looking at policies I dont like here are the things off the top of my head that are/were objective failures. Afghanistan withdrawl was one of the worst failures n american history; people were hoarding baby food due to handling of that issue, the illegal migration issue that is currently happening that were directly due to his repealing of trump rules, insane spending that exasperates the inflation issue. This doesnt even get into the foolish policies that we could argue about, but are failures.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      The problem is the less awful side’s awfulness is what lead to the growth of the scary-aweful side.

    • @[email protected]
      -17 months ago

      Yeah, a slow decline of the US empire is preferable for the third world, China, and Russia than to have to deal with Trump’s weird international politics. With Joe you get a predictable further collapse of US power.

      • @[email protected]
        -17 months ago

        What a weird and terrible take. Kudos for saying something so stupid that I’ve never heard it before.

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          It’s not a perfect take, but I’ve seen so many takes insanely worse than this one that I am genuinely unsure what evoked such a strong reaction to it. (Particularly since you provided no explanation.)

            • @[email protected]
              07 months ago

              If you want to be pedantic, I also didn’t say it was the worst take, and you didn’t actually say it was the dumbest

              • @[email protected]
                07 months ago

                so many takes insanely worse

                what does this imply? almost as if you were saying its not the worst take?

                • @[email protected]
                  7 months ago

                  Well that plus my last comment where I straight up said “I didn’t say it was the worst take”. I feel like you’ve gotten totally confused

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            Most USians don’t like being reminded that the empire they live in and have internalized belonging to is in terminal decline, and the options are a drawn out slow collapse and a “really flinging shit around” collapse

        • @[email protected]
          07 months ago

          Sorry, do you prefer the US to collapse in, idk, a flurry of proxy wars with the potential for the use of nuclear weapons? I much prefer the slow decline with limited proxy wars.

  • GrayoxOP
    17 months ago

    The way to fight the 2 party system, starts at the grass roots and grows upwards, you can Not fight it from the top down.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      The only other fast way to fight it is with violence, but without clear national unity and already decent leadership it usually results in some form of autocracy, making the situation worse.

      Edit: violent revolution* usually doesn’t work, but violence itself can be rather effective

      • _NoName_
        7 months ago

        I think you’ve falsely equated violence with revolution.

        There are currently arsonists in Atlanta and elsewhere in the US fighting the creation of cop city and projects like it via property damage. That is violence with no danger of creating an autocracy. I’d argue the Black Panthers, the Suffragettes and the IRA all used violence which posed no danger of autocracy.

        I do agree that strong group unity, some form of multistate participation, and good leadership and structure, are all very important for it to yield positive results.

        Edit: put NRA instead of IRA, fuck me. Fixed now.

  • @[email protected]
    17 months ago

    Oh man, the fucking sass in the comments of this post. You’re all so passionate about these things.

    … And almost all of the arguments are whataboutisms. It’s a fucking race to the bottom with everyone.

    All I’m going to say is that not voting is not a valid way to protest. That’s excluding yourself from the process, and letting others decide for you. Just go vote. I’m not going to tell you who to vote for, just go do it. Have your voice heard.

    I realize this years vote for Americans will very likely turn into a competition of who is less bad of an option, but you need to still go out and cast a ballot. Please just do it. Please!

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      He was equally alert to the problem of voter fetishism: voters mistakenly thinking the vote is an exercise of power, when in fact power in a capitalist society is collective, social and located largely outside the parliamentary realm. Elections had a place, but they were no substitute for mass working-class action in the workplaces, streets and squares. Ultimately power must be wrested from the capitalist class in revolution.

      Voter fetishism

      • @[email protected]
        07 months ago

        For like 99% of people arguing that ‘voting is useless’ they are also not working towards any other method of improving society. Either by working towards unions, or effective means of protest or even violent revolution. They’re just opting out and doing nothing of value while feeling smug about being ‘above’ such petty squabbles.

        If you are the 1% actually doing something of value that isn’t voting. Congrats, I guess? But I think I’m far more likely to convince someone to vote, which is at least somewhat helpful than I am to convince them to join a revolution.

        • @[email protected]
          07 months ago

          Let’s hope you have the privilege to vote after Nov 5.

          I can assure you they do not feel smug, or above the squabbles. They are probably more freaked out than the multitudes that think Trump can’t possibly win, or a Biden victory saves Democracy. It fundamentally sucks to see where America is headed, and be individually powerless to stop it.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    Are they both objectively terrible?

    I mean, trump seems obvious. Unstable wannabe tyrant/dictator from a party of evangelical theocrats, criminal, fraudster, blatant liar, thief, rapist, sycophant of dictators, insurrectionist, wife beater…and we haven’t even dug in to the party that supports this behavior along with their LGBTQ hate, restricting womens’ rights, voter fraud, election fraud, gun rights > your life, handing everything to the billionaires, environmental destruction of most every kind, and of course their NAZI underpinnings.

    Joe is a career politician with all the baggage that goes with that, but he’s not actively and willfully sabotaging the country.

    • Cowbee [he/him]
      7 months ago

      Both are objectively terrible, the Democrats are tepid liberals that are trying to put band-aids on gaping holes in a sinking ship rather than solving the underlying issues.

      The GOP is, of course, fascist, and thus far worse, but in the sinking ship that is America, continuing to sink without fixing the underlying issues is bad as well.

      Actually fixing the problems is far greater than the DNC, which is far greater than the GOP.

      Edit: no, I’m not advocating for third party voting, I plan on voting for Biden, because I believe change must come from below. Begging the DNC to fix the gaping problems with American society will never get anything done, ever. Organize, donate to strike funds, actually try to build pressure from below.

      • @[email protected]
        07 months ago

        People really seem to think Biden should have a magic wand, or should somehow impose things the majority of Americans are against and when he can’t they say he’s the devil. It’s so silly.

        I’m far more radical left than most people and I’ve come to accept that, I have faith in the strength of my ideas and that they’ll displace capitalism but understand it’ll be a struggle and a fight. Biden has very likely literally no concept of the ideals I value, I imagine it’d take me hours to explain the importance of open source software for example and I don’t expect he’d take it on board very seriously even at best so of course I wouldn’t pick him as the leader of my.movememt but that’s not what people are being asked to pick, they’re picking the president of the whole country so of course he’s also going to have to work in the existing frameworks and with the many factions that exist.

        • Cowbee [he/him]
          07 months ago

          I don’t expect Biden to do anything other than continue the American Liberal project, but I’m also not a reformist, I don’t believe it’s possible to vote Capitalism into Socialism. I only vote for Biden because it appears to me that it is easier to organize a grassroots movement under liberals than under fascists.

          Liberalism won’t make America better, it just won’t make it fascist as quickly as the fascist party.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      One has worked with Bernie Sanders and helped get some his goals achieved in policy and legislature.

      The other hired his own children despite their inability to get security clearances, cheated on his wife while she was at home with their newborn, paid illegal hush money over that matter, stole classified documents and likely gave them to adversaries, likely compromised national security multiple times, sowed doubt in our elections with zero evidence to back it up, blew up the debt, fucked up the Supreme Court and has said he’d ignore the constitution, term limits all of that.

      But both sides amirite?

        • @[email protected]
          17 months ago

          Yea but don’t forget, since I’m not getting 100% of what I want, the way I want, achieved precisely when I want it… then they are both the same.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago


            “I let my hatred willfully blind me to admitting trump is a sack of shit and I’d prefer a dictatorship to democracy if that pisses off the libs. Bonus: I get to be a bastard too because the libs will be shut up unless they want to go to a reeducation camp.”

            More likely.

            E: I re-read what you said and realized I didn’t get it right. Do Dems really think like that, or is it just general apathy of some Dems and the independent voters?

    • Johanno
      07 months ago

      It is a choice between pest and cholera one might be a bit less bad than the other, but realistically you don’t want either.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          Why don’t you move to South Korea if you love capitalism so much. I heard quality of life there is through the roof.

        • The Quuuuuill
          07 months ago

          The bad parts of capitalism are the authoritarianism and the grift. Venezuela, like any soviet structured entity is not an alternative to capitalism, its just imperialism wearing a different coat of paint

    • @[email protected]
      07 months ago

      If it wasn’t for his position regarding Israel and Palestine, I would have been pleasantly surprised by Biden overall. His administration seemed to be making a lot of good moves for a bunch of liberals.

      • @[email protected]
        07 months ago

        Joe is a self-admitted Zionist. He’s also a U.S. President and unfortunately for the Palestinians, U.S. hegemony in the Middle East is entirely predicated on a stable U.S.-friendly Country (i.e Israel) in the region.

        “If we didn’t have an Israel, we’d probably have to make one.” ~Joe Biden

        It’s a shit-trap, for any POTUS regardless of their personal beliefs

    • @[email protected]
      07 months ago

      To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat. “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks. "Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it? To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.

      David Sedaris

    • @[email protected]
      07 months ago

      That depends what you think the greatest threats to quality of life for the average in American are. I believe the greatest threat is the corrupt system, which gives more power and money to the rich and screws over almost everyone else, and both of those candidates are firmly entrenched in it.

      They both know and embrace their role in that system, although they would phrase it in different terms.

      Finally, you asked about objective terribleness. But there is no such thing. This is all subjective, because of course it is, the country has hundreds of millions of residents who all have different priorities.

    • @[email protected]
      7 months ago

      The fact liberals are riding and dying for genocide joe is proof that the democrats deserve the bloodbath they’ve set up for themselves when they inevitably lose to the worst candidate possible. The bar is literally underground and they still managed to dig to get under it.

  • Clot
    07 months ago

    two party system is 50% dictatorship, glad my country have multi party system

      • @[email protected]
        06 months ago

        Thank you! Is there a reason Dale Earnhardt is in these memes? Is he a leftist Nascar driver? (Maybe your video will answer my questions, but I don’t have the time to watch an hour long video essay right now, though I’m quite interested and hope to in the future, thanks for the link!)

        I see he died in 2001, so all the reasons I could think of as to why he’s in two memes representing the Left are falling short …

    • GrayoxOP
      -17 months ago

      That aint Jeff Foxworthy, That’s Dale Earnhardt aka the Intimidator of the Burgouis.

      • JackbyDev
        07 months ago

        Was Dale a leftist or something? It’s a new meme to me.

        • @[email protected]
          7 months ago

          In the current fucked version of “politics” maybe. But he is famously anti bourgeois. Which is the point. There’s no left and right. It’s just sports teams they invented to distract you. The only war you’ll ever truly fight is the owners versus the working class. Everything else is literally self sabotage.

          I know nothing about you, but I know you are my brother or sister in this war.

          • @[email protected]
            07 months ago

            There’s no left and right. It’s just sports teams they invented to distract you.

            Extremely white take. It’s not that left/right doesn’t exist, it’s that IN AMERICA there is no left, just polite nazis and rude nazis.

  • @[email protected]
    07 months ago

    This is asinine. Trump has literally threatened to use dictatorial methods on his first day in office.

    It’s like approaching Hitler and Joe Rogan in the same room but you’ve only got one bullet. And instead of using it, you just walk away talking about how they both suck. Like, kill fucking Hitler, what are you doing?

  • @[email protected]
    07 months ago

    As bad as establishment candidates tend to be, trump is far far worse. The problem with the trump supporters is they boil everything down to “X bad, so not X good!” Trump was an outsider which is why they supported him, but just being an outsider doesn’t automatically make you good, and in his case he’s far worse.