The original post: /r/techsupport by /u/Vitamenn on 2024-05-01 05:13:34.
Hello friends, long story short:
I’m working for a business that lets me work from home, stupid I know but I don’t have a laptop or wifi card. So when I take the tower home I’m forced to connect to my own network via cable.
I’ve complained so much about this and other hardware issues that my employer heavily scolded our IT guy, I’ve got a wifi card installed but I’m now afraid of retaliation as I screwed a 7 year relationship unintentionally. (It wasn’t pretty their chat)
The it guy is a very knowledgeable guy with serious cybersecurity training, I don’t want to be vulnerable to him, Is it safer to plug the company’s pc via cable or wifi? Guest network helps? (Router has this function).
Cable doesn’t even ask for password, so if he has bad intentions I’m giving him full access to my network via the company pc?
Or even having a computer (which he can remotely control) plugged via cable to my router doesn’t give him access to the network?
I thought about the wifi but then I’d have to add my password to windows, which he can see…
Can he hack me via this setup at all? I.e connect to my personal computer within the same network? He doesn’t have the routers password but has physical access to it via my machine, he doesn’t need permission to remote connect
Windows 10 + archer tplink gaming router that looks like a transformer with wifi 6, don’t have the model number easy
Thank you so much for your support!