The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/aitastopdadshouse on 2024-04-27 15:38:34.

My mom died when I was 4 and my dad said he wasn’t ready or able to take care of a kid on his own so I live with my aunt and uncle and I see my dad every other Thursday afternoon - Monday before school. I’ve always known that he wasn’t that interested in me but it got worse when he got married and started having kids. His kids are 4, 2, and newborn right now.

His car and his wife’s car only fit 5 people and they have 3 kids so we can’t go anywhere when I’m at their house because they don’t want to take 2 cars. I also miss a lot of school on his days. He’ll pick me up early on Thursdays because that’s when he gets off of work and he doesn’t want to wait 2 hours or drive home then come back to pick me up. Fridays and Mondays there’s a 50/50 chance they’ll tell me to stay home because my school is too far (it’s 10 minutes from my dad’s work but he doesn’t want to leave early). If I do go to school on his days I’m always late then I get in trouble for being late and my aunt has to call the school to try to get me out of detention.

I told my aunt I don’t want to go to his house anymore because of the car situation and the school thing. She decided that was fair and told my dad that visits are going to stop until he gets his shit together. Now he’s telling my aunts family that she’s keeping me away from him and called her some names that I don’t think I should repeat here. AITA for not wanting to go there anymore?