The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Low_Maximum_165 on 2025-02-23 18:12:20.

My sister has been obsessed with this one song and has been replaying it over and over on the TV, and when she isnt doing that, she is going around the house dancing and singing it very loudly. It really bothers me because I am constantly hearing a song i dont even like and never chose to listen to, and I cant focus when I am trying to get some work done not to mention my sister’s voice isn’t very good.

This isn’t the only time though, whenever she likes a new song, its going on the TV on repeat for everyone in the house to listen to. Im always telling her to use some headphones or lower the volume, but my mother doesnt let us use headphones or airpods and she says she likes listening to it on the TV, which is in the middle of the house where everyone can hear it.

I tried telling her how its bothering me and told her to stop, but she says its her freedom and she can do whatever she wants, my parents are also siding with her, telling me im the one who is being annoying by constantly complaining for something so insignificant.

Its honestly making me hate being in the house. All I want is some silence and to be able to focus on my work. And i feel like my boundaries and personal space are being disrespected.

TL;DR My sister sings loudly in the house and it annoys me, parents say to leave her alone and mind my business. AITA ?