The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Classic-Village2923 on 2025-02-21 21:29:10.
So I (F18) have a little cousin (M6), before he was born my birthdays were great and fine but ever since he was three it has been a nightmare since after me and my twin (M18) blow our candles out together, the adults then light the candles for my cousin and let him blow out the candles which then gets spit on the professionally baked cake which we all have to eat. I don’t mind blowing out the candles with my twin together since it’s our birthday but when they light the candles again for my cousin it just annoys me because then they sing the birthday song to him too which makes him think it’s his birthday which it’s not. They don’t just do this on mine and my twin’s birthday they do this on everyone else’s birthday in my immediate family and extended family too. I’m turning 19 soon and I’ve just had enough of it at this point and I’ve been thinking of bringing it up to them but I know it will go badly since they act like my cousin is the golden child since he’s an only child in his family (my dad’s sister) and I’ll probably get given out to but I’m just so tired of it and the spit it always gross as well and i think he’s old enough to understand the concept of you only get one birthday now as well, I also think that if this keeps going on that it will go on forever and they’ll never stop it. So I am just overthinking or WIBTA if I said I didn’t want my cousin to blow out my birthday candles?