The original post: /r/piracy by /u/RedditTTIfan on 2025-02-21 13:28:57.

Or was it always? I have no idea what sub to post this in since apparently if I use that word on other places on reddit I’m instantly or soon-after censored/deleted/banned 🙄 So is it me that’s completely wrong here or has the world has become crazy because they don’t know what terms like “sideload” mean?

Basically I got banned from r/Roku for using the word “sideload”–apparently you get an instant 15-day ban on there if you do that. The post was not about piracy or anything illegal per se, I just stated in response to someone that, “there are no YT apps that you can sideload on Roku.” Years ago I noticed there at least was a developer mode and the ability to sideload apps on a Roku…but I’m guessing that ability has disappeared and is now considered some kind of violation to even talk about it? I dunno but the sub is official so they are just deleting whatever they feel like 🙄 That whole thread (which I didn’t start) got deleted afterwards as well.

But then I decided to ask this question on the cordcutters sub, and give a small rant about how Roku is deleting whatever they feel like on their sub. Annnd, guess what? My post was pre-emptively removed and I got a message that since I mentioned sideloading I must be talking about piracy which is not allowed. What???

I dunno I feel like I’m in the twilight zone here. 🤨 Or am I the one that’s wrong and is using the word “sideload” necessarily linked to illegal activities? 🤔