The original post: /r/piracy by /u/OlsroFR on 2025-02-19 21:23:54.
Here is the link of the video from Louis Rossmann talking about this subject:
To get more info about this removal and how it affects digital ownership of books:
Some old Kindle devices, still perfectly working in terms of hardware to read books on them, will very soon become (almost) complete ewaste.
We did not accept this when Spotify stopped supporting their car thing, how can we tolerate now that Amazon creates more ewaste ? This new removal serves only right holders and creates a regression for all real, loyal and existing customers.
Spread this video and the FUTO wiki as much as you can matey’, to support the cause for a better world where we can actually own what we buy.
What do you think about this ? Right now, the only available alternative is the gigantic existing archive of de-DRM’ed books available online, but how do you think it is going to evolve if DRMs become too difficult to crack ?
Also, it does mean more importantly (outside piracy) that self-archiving will be very tedious or impossible. How can we trust a book reading device if it can auto-update the content of the books from the Internet without any kind of notification to agree to the changes made by the publisher ? It is worrying and will extend to all cultural materials if there’s no cultural backslash towards these anti-consumer practices.
We’re all concerned