The original post: /r/books by /u/Empty-Pages-Turn on 2025-02-19 14:54:01.
The New Couple in 5B? More like The Letdown in 5B.
Anyone else got Cecil Hotel vibes from this one? Because I kept thinking it. Apparently, it was compared to Lock Every Door by Riley Sager. As I’m currently reading that one, I kind of see it.
It had a very slow first act, and it wasn’t until I got to the second act that things seemed to finally pick up.
I really hated Chad and I’m pretty sure that the guy was having an affair with Lilian. Rosie said that he was ‘sexually tousled’ but when she and Lilian encountered each other, I’m pretty sure that C&L finished bumping uglies.
She kept seeing hints that Chad and Lilian were having an affair, but she kept saying that Chad doesn’t look interested in Lilian even though she was with ‘besotted’ with him. It’s like she kept thinking that they’re having an affair, but kept ignoring it. It’s like, “Rosie, listen to your instincts. This is like the third time your alarm bells were going off. You have them for a reason!” But she kept turning them off like it’s an annoying car alarm going off.
Also, if Lilian and Miles were school-aged in 1963, then she had to be born in the 1950s. The ages were never said, so Chad would be having an affair with a middle-aged woman, which is his right, I guess, but highly doubtful. It was made out to be like Lilian was around Rosie’s age, so that was kind of weird.
At some point, I was going ‘Chad has to be a villain at some point’ and I was glad that he actually was. Guess what happened at the end? Rosie runs up the fucking stairwell to the rooftop again. It ends how you expect it to go. Disappointing really. Also, what happened with Chad’s high-school girlfriend? Why did he kill her? While he was monologuing, it wasn’t brought up.
I wish Rosie listened to her instincts more about him.
I had the odd feeling that Rosie’s parents were more cult-like than Ella and Charles were painted as. I wanted to know more about Rosie’s childhood. I kept expecting it to be revealed that she had escaped a cult, with her refusing to go back home and how Sarah was wanting to bring her home. But it turns out not to be one. I mean, why make Rosie go back? She doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to.
I was disappointed in the fact that we didn’t get more backstory on the rest of the murders, suicides, and fatal accidents that took place in the Windermere. We got like one mention of all this history and nothing else. I thought the book was going to dive into what happened like how we got Willa’s chapters, but we just got her side of the story alone.
I actually skimmed Willa’s death scene. Sorry, but I was a bit more invested in knowing about Chad’s prior arrest than to read about the murder-suicide. I honestly didn’t care about knowing that Abi was Willa’s lover. It didn’t seem to add to the overall story. Make Willa’s affair partner someone else, and nothing changes.
The motive? Weak. Laughable at best.
Kind of a letdown, but it was overall okay. I was glued to the story because it was an interesting premise, but the ending was just a massive letdown.