Prof Ivan Katchanovski: Political Scientist at UofOttawa and a Ukrainian.

Statements by US Vice President also corroborate my prediction that US could remove Zelensky because of his refusal of peace deal.

  • @[email protected]
    021 days ago

    Zelensky made the fatal mistake of trusting the United States Putins Invasion was wrong, but he could have played his cards a lot better. Also why the fuck did he allow his special forces to sabotage the economy of one of his biggest allies in Europe throwing them into political turmoil.

    He should of done what Stalin did make a peace deal early and allow his allies to build up more productive forces and training more of his army, the west would of been able to mount a much convincing defence against Russia, instead this happened.

    Betting on a stable United States in the trump era was an insane move, the fascists on all sides completely outplayed the liberals. If I saw this coming idk how a bunch of people who are much smarter than I am didn’t.

    Fuck the United States and fuck Russia, fuck capitalism in general this economic system is a death cult.

    • @[email protected]
      021 days ago

      I think that, for the most part, Ukrainian oligarchs put him there. It was his predecessor, Poroshenko, who the US had installed.

      Daily Beast, 2019: Billionaire Ukrainian Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky Under Investigation by FBI

      Brunson pointed to Kolomoisky’s role in funding the ultra-far-right Azov battalion, a group of Ukrainian fighters alleged to have ties to American white supremacists, per RFE/RL; the State Department has called its political wing a “nationalist hate group,” and human rights workers say it may be a haven for neo-Nazis.

      Kolomoisky has a host of enemies. He’s been accused of commissioning contract killings. And in 2016, Ukraine’s central bank nationalized Kolomoisky’s PrivatBank because it didn’t have enough cash. Billions of dollars disappeared from its coffers because it lent so much to Kolomoisky associates, according to the FT. The move was widely viewed in the West as a victory for transparency and good governance, in a country whose politics are impoverished on both counts. It was a flashpoint in Kolomoisky’s relationship with Poroshenko, and many speculate the oligarch backs Zelensky in part because hopes to depose the president who oversaw the takeover of his bank.

      CNN, 2023: Ukrainian oligarch and Zelensky supporter Ihor Kolomoisky arrested in fraud investigation

        • @[email protected]
          21 days ago

          I think Zelensky won the bourgeois election pretty much “fair and square,” in the famously corrupt Ukrainian state. I think electorate really did want the peace and reconciliation that Zelensky acted on TV and ran on in the election.

          But he was just a TV comedian, hand-picked by an oligarch who also supported the Banderites, so peace and reconciliation was never really in the cards.

          • @[email protected]
            021 days ago

            Sure .

            So just so we’re on the same page, could you - without looking it up - give us couple of sentences on Minsk 2 and why the agreement weren’t signed .

            Or, easier one, can you tell who “Yats” is ?

            No. Of course you can’t. Because your your knowledge of the politics of Ukraine, even recently since just the Euromaidan protests, and US special forces being in the ground 10 years ago, is zero.

            You maybe watch a bit of CNN , a bit of YouTube, and you think that equips you to join a debate on Ukrainian elections and US foreign policy, but it doesn’t. And so you end up ruining your credibility in front of everyone.

              • @[email protected]
                021 days ago

                If you don’t care why are you commenting and trying to pretend they don’t know what they’re talking about? You just bailed at the first sign that they do, lmao.

                Go educate yourself, liberal, and learn how to be honest with yourself and others.

                • LuckingFurker (Any/All)
                  021 days ago

                  Oh look, it’s another one, this time trying a subtly different tactic. Still, I give it a 4/10 at best, must try harder

          • @[email protected]
            021 days ago

            It is actually common knowledge if you know anything about Ukraine. Most Westerners know nothing about Ukraine and couldn’t even find it on a map, so literally nothing about it except “blue and yellow flag” should be considered common knowledge among them.

            Look up Victoria Nuland and her comments on Euromaidan and succession.

          • @[email protected]
            021 days ago

            It’s common among those who have done the work.

            It’s less common among internet users who take positions based on yahoo news of the day.

            Go to google and ask about “nuland pyatt phone call”

            Better yet, go to YouTube and listen to the phone call yourself. spend some time looking at recent elections in Ukraine, and who were preferred US candidates and then perhaps we can talk.

            • @[email protected]
              021 days ago

              Ok I did the work 👍 the US and russian have been in a proxy cold war over Ukraine’s future, until shit hit the fan and Russian first annexed Crimea then did a 3 day special military operation that has lasted almost 3 years now.

              Also who the fuck reads yahoo news?

  • externelly
    021 days ago

    Who would have thought the Zelensky would become the leader of the free world

    • Bobr
      021 days ago

      I wish you to once also become a part of the free world as well, where you can’t leave your country, and you along with your entire family are kidnapped off the streets by the regime of such a “leader of the free world”, beaten, and sent to a meatgrinder where you die in a couple of weeks, or get permanently injured.

        • Bobr
          021 days ago

          I am quite sure I described Zelensky.

        • @[email protected]
          021 days ago

          Assuming they chose or made the instance they are from, libertarian fellows, it is unlikely any engagement will change their mind. Best to just block them and let them scream into the void.

          • Bobr
            021 days ago

            Well, you (as in liberals or US democrats) are literally trying to kill me and every other Ukrainian while trying to convince the world you are actually the good guys…
            So yeah, I don’t think there is anything you can say that will convince me that actually killing millions of innocent people is good.

    • badwetterOP
      021 days ago

      @[email protected] LOL He’s in the greatest acting role in his life. In my opinion, he should be in The Hague to answer for all the Ukrainians he needlessly sent to the slaughter, when he could have had peace in the 1st weeks of the SMO. Otherwise, we should leave him to the mercy of ordinary Ukrainians on the street — They’re not fond of him.

      • @[email protected]
        021 days ago

        Wow, coming in with the, russia putting 100,000 troops on the Ukrainian border and then invading, but they didn’t do shit argument. Didn’t see that coming.

      • mathemachristian[he]
        021 days ago

        welcome to denial city, neoliberalington. Everyone here is stuck in 2020 (minus covid, thats long forgotten) and still full on slava ukraini

      • @[email protected]
        021 days ago

        Are you a Russian bot? You know that Russia invaded Ukraine first right? Zelensky has wanted peace all along but Russia refuses peace without keeping territory.

      • @[email protected]
        021 days ago

        Russia is a murderous, authoritarian regime that illegally invaded Ukraine. Thank God Ukraine has a real man to stand up for it instead of a capitulating coward that wants to roll over for any fascist dog that comes barking.

    • @[email protected]
      021 days ago

      This apt observation helps to understand why no one takes this “free world” seriously anymore and why the Global South and BRICS are on the rise.

  • @[email protected]
    021 days ago

    People are telling on themselves for opposing *gasp* peace talks. Oh no! Not peace!! We want war!!!

      • @[email protected]
        021 days ago

        These kinds of threads are full of armchair warmonger repeats “infinite arms and Ukrainian blood against the Russians”, just repeating generic Russophobic rationalizations that justify infinite war. When the monstrosity of their views are pointed out, when they are reminded that Ukrainians are people and they want peace, out come the accusations and namecalling. Russian bot! Shill! Absurd and idiotic, but above all, playing with racism they can get away with, possibly liberals’ favorite activity next to misogyny they can get away with and homophobia they can get away with. Like an image of Putin in drag or making our with Trump.

        You can verify yourself that there are variations of some of these things in this very thread. It’s just a game to these people, abstract rhetoric.

      • @[email protected]
        021 days ago

        No it isn’t. They may think they have good reasons for not wanting peace talks (they don’t), but definitely every big newspaper, almost all influential Western politicians and your average redditor were against peace talks this whole time. They relentlessly shouted down everyone who even tried to bring it up.

        Of course the warmongers say they’re for peace. Peace through superior firepower. Peace through victory. But that is disingenuous. That’s called war.

        And I’m no pacifist. I’m for having a war (a class war), but I’m not going around saying war is peace. That’s fucked up.

        • CurlyWurlies4All
          21 days ago

          You should check out the work being done by the anti capitalist Solidarity Collective.

          If there is one thing that is clear, it’s that the Ukraine war is a late stage capitalist war. Units are sponsored. Ukraine has not resorted to widespread nationalisations or labour conscription. Unlike the total war of the 20th century, Ukraine’s war effort heavily relies on market mechanisms and civilian donations.

          Ukrainians are left in darkness and many without heating. Yet, shopping arcades are lit in garish lights, with lavish displays of luxury fashion brands.

          And yet this has created an opportunity for grassroots movements like solidarity collectives who supply anarchists, human rights defenders, trade unionists, eco-anarchists, anarcho-feminists, punk-rockers, and political refugees from Belarus and russia as military units with everything they need laying the foundations and build the knowledge needed to topple the authoritarian ruling class, independent of the state.

    • UnfortunateShort
      21 days ago

      You know, what Trump is doing, pretty obviously even, is trying to extort Ukraine for their natural resources, by threatening to cut support and let Russia do whatever. More even, he is badmouthing their president and parroting Russia’s narrative, opening up the possibility for overthrowing the government if it doesn’t meet his/Russia’s demands. And on top of all that, you can bet your ass he will graciously offer Ukraine to buy US weapons, even if they take the deal. Probably also doesn’t mind doing some business over there, using shock doctrine to its fullest to exploit the Ukrainian people.

      This is the kind of peace you can expect from Trump.

      • @[email protected]
        021 days ago

        I’m not sure the Trump offer of getting 50% of Ukraine’s mineral wealth was real. The idea didn’t originate from the Trump regime, but it was Ukraine who brought that up first. They’re throwing that back into Ukraine’s face. It seems like they ambushed Zelenski with this ridiculous deal, which was a brazen insult really, and which was immediately rejected (correctly). It might have been the intention to mock them and show them what the actual bill of the US’s Ukraine support would look like, and how Ukraine would never actually be able to pay this debt.

        Trump has called for elections, and that’s because they want to get rid of Zelenski. And I’m sure that will happen. They’re basically overthrowing Zelenski.

      • @[email protected]
        21 days ago

        Gee I wonder who gave him that sort of leverage. Might have been a certain somebody giving them loans on top of loans and sabotaging peace talks for a war they knew was unwinnable.

        Libs might deliberately ignore the plain good cop bad cop routine Dems and the gop have going with the world but the rest of us see through it.

    • @[email protected]
      021 days ago

      Ok as part of the peace deal, you get ass fucked by the entire ruzzian army.

      What are you against peace? Come on, dude. Stop being so violent and accept the peace deal!

      • @[email protected]
        021 days ago

        Wars end. They either end in a peace deal with give and take or in total capitulation. Ukraine isn’t going to capitulate Russia, so you’re just in favor of prolonging war at the expense of Ukrainians. This is consistent with liberals’ general dehumanization of Eastern Europeans.

      • @[email protected]
        021 days ago

        Either there’s a peace deal, and the fighting stops, or there isn’t (like there isn’t right now) and some poor saps get (insert your rape metaphor here) by the Russian and Ukrainian armies.

        In opposite world, peace kills people, and war doesn’t. Maybe you’re from there?

  • macniel
    021 days ago

    Oh no, the couch fucker does a harsh warning. Why should a free nation even respond kindly to a dictatorship?