The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Lazy-Reflection-6564 on 2025-02-19 13:53:45.

Hi everybody this is my first time posting here or posting anything at all so sorry if i do somethinf wrong and English is not my first language so sorry for any spelling mistakes. Im a (M) (16) and my mother F (40), have gotten in a big fight. Alright so here’s the backstory:

We recently went out to eat and while doing so i was not in a very good mood since school (im in 11th grade btw) have gotten stressful with all the tests and sudden work so safe to say i wasnt in a good mood and throught the dinner they kept asking me whats wrong (all day actually) when nothing was wrong, they suddenly bombarded me with questions like who’s bullying you etc and i said no one and i have been talking a lot online with my friend who we’ll call B. So thry asked if its a catfish and i kept defending B witch made me annoyed since my parents want to know everything about me and thry get way to invested in it, so i got fed up and said i’ll walk out of the dinner if they keep doing this and that pissed my mom off and skip to a day later she blindsides me with new rules, i have to do all my chores for the day and do school work before relaxing now thats not the issue, the issue is she wants to take my phone away after 9pm (my “bed time”) and she did. I asked her why and she said its because im always tired, in a bad mood and always late for school (witch i never have gotten in trouble for being late because im always in class in time) but i told her im always tired because of school and its been raining a lot recently witch effects my mood and about being late, but she wont listen to me.

Present time:

Today i told my mom its unfair to take my phone away sure kaybe i have been slacking recently and i get the no video games through the week but i have a life outside of school, i have a life outside of the house. Im the group therapist in my friendgroup, and most of the times they ask me at night to help them, to comfort them and even i need some comfort at night witch B helps with, shes honestly my rock recently since well my mom doesnt really care how i feel all she cares about is school. So i need to help my friends if that means sacraficing my sleep (witch i dont have a problem with) to help them and i like helping people, but i cannot do that if shes keeping my phone at night, I also would like to add the second reason im gonna ignore my mom, she said to me in the car when we were arguing “when you make your own money and as long ad you live under my roof you will do as i say” witch i feel is mega unfair to me. She doesnt respect me and she doesnt really care how i feel.

Sooooo yeah, thats bacically about it

So dear people of Reddit, WIBTA?