The original post: /r/homelab by /u/TAUFIKtechyguy on 2025-02-17 05:49:26.

i have watched all possible videos on YouTube but none of them coverd how to set it up on docker on windows 10 . i do not have a choice to install on linux because i do not have multiple pc’s but i do have multiple phones that will be clients . and i did the installation part . it worked on localhost:8080 but threw up a untrusted domain error while trying to access via other phones that were all connected together with my pc via tailscale . i did configure the config.php file under var/www/html…so on and here comes the part that was freaked up . i wasn’t getting the untrusted domain error anymore but was getting “cant write into config directory” error it said me to give write access to the config directory but i cant do that (or i dont know or find how to do that ) please help . i am hanging like this for months now and will be obliged to them for life who can help me . i beg . i am willing to share every bit of info the troubleshooter needs , please kind soul help this rookie