The original post: /r/glitch_in_the_matrix by /u/spacenoiid on 2025-02-16 09:25:40.

When I was a child about 7 or 8 years old, I woke up in the middle of the night kind of suddenly to a creaking in my room like someone was walking around. But once I woke, the sound stopped and it was quiet again. I looked at my digital clock and it read 3:00am. I shared a room with my little brother and looked over at his bed to see if he’d gotten up but I clearly saw him laying in bed sound asleep. I was a bit spooked but decided to just try and go back to sleep. All of a sudden I felt a sort of soft thump on my back from under my bed. I thought I was imagining things but then a few seconds later I felt it again, slightly harder this time. I immediately started sweating profusely in sheer terror and hid under the covers. Every few seconds the thump would get harder and harder, I remember thinking(in my child mind) “is there a kangaroo kicking me under my bed?” Then I thought this has to be my older sister pulling a prank, but why would she be doing this at 3am? After about a minute of this the “kicks” got so hard my bed was shaking and jumping. I remember thinking “how is my brother sleeping through all of this noise?”. Just then I received one final kick that was so hard my bed went flying straight up off the frame, with myself in the air above it, I lost grip of my blanket in the air and in that instance I took the opportunity to look for my brother, yet he was still just laying in bed sound asleep like nothing was happening. As soon as I landed back on my bed frame, I reclaimed my blanket and hid under the covers in a complete panic and hyperventilating at this point. I tried to calm myself down and act as if I was still asleep(like any kid does so the “monster” won’t bother them) but after a minute of no kicks and complete silence the light in my room suddenly turned on. Except it seemed far too bright to be my room light. I sat in silence for a moment listening for footsteps, hoping and praying it was my brother who had gotten up. But after a couple minutes of complete silence again, I decided to take the tiniest of peaks out from under my blanket, raising my blanket with one finger just enough room to peak one eyeball out, only to find another eyeball in that exact spot I was peaking from staring back at me! I was mortified. The eyeball looked human but the socket was perfectly round and the flesh surrounding it aka its face looked to me almost like ground meat mixed with various colorful specks. That was all I could make out because i immediately closed my peak hole and again began to sweat profusely in utter fear. I grasped my blanket tight and held that same position all night. The bright light went off after a few minutes but I refused to peak again or do anything. I stayed up the rest of the night, clasping my blanket tight over myself, unmoving but on high alert and restless. By the time 6am hit my family started to wake up. I heard my brother get up from his bed and leave the room but still did not move because I was afraid it might not have been him. But when I heard my mother’s voice from the hall I quickly sprung out of bed and dashed out of my room. My mother was braiding my sisters hair on the steps and I wasted no time telling her everything that occurred that night in a quick and panicked fashion. Like any mother would do, she shrugged it off and told me I was dreaming but I pleaded to her that I had been up all night and she had to believe me. She said it must’ve been a prank then from one of my siblings but to this day nobody fessed up to pranking me and nobody believes I was actually awake, they all thought it was a dream. I let it go and obviously moved on with my life. I’m 29 now. But I still remember this night clearly and still don’t know who was under my bed? what was the bright light? Why did my brother not hear or react to any of it? And what was the creature staring back at me?…