
A 24-year-old Afghan man with suspected Islamist sympathies drove a car into a trade union demonstration in Munich, injuring at least 28 people, including children.

The suspect, identified as Farhad N, arrived in Germany as an asylum seeker and had previously posted Islamist content on social media.

Media images showed the damaged Mini Cooper, and several bodies lying on the ground which was strewn with shoes and stained with blood.

Police are investigating the incident as a possible deliberate attack, which occurred just ten days before Germany’s general elections.

      • @[email protected]
        1224 days ago

        Since the collapse of the coalition and the new election on its way it would be dumb not to.

        There were three major incidents involving immigrants since the collapse and not one could be linked to a terrorist organization.

        It sounds like a complete conspiracy theory but I think this is too much to be coincidence

  • @[email protected]
    1424 days ago

    This is going to be a political shitshow. I feel bad for all the families who are going to have to watch their loved ones deaths be used as propaganda.

  • fxomt
    24 days ago

    Its sad when these tragedies occur some people instead use it to push promote their right-wing beliefs (ie mass deportation). Shows that they don’t really care about the victims.

    Even worse that this is the second attack. People already hate third worlders enough :(

    • @[email protected]
      20 days ago

      I see no reason to protect some of their beliefs. If you are comming from another culture, you have to accept new rules. I was an immigrant and I got strange looks when I spoke loud on public transport, when I smoked a cigarette on the street and when I commented about specific things. I was in another land and was unable to accept their rules fully, that’s why I moved back to my country. They were right to give me those looks and made me feel unwelcome, because I was. My actions didn’t suite their society, so I realized I don’t belong there. If people started acting like me it would be a degradation for their national identity. The same way I see many immigrants in Germany. They should change their way of living or go back. If their native country is in war, then they should move to another country that shares their values. The world is huge.

  • @[email protected]
    924 days ago

    I know I’ll sound as nutty as a Q Anon idiot, but it seems like a false flag attack. Or something close to it

    • @[email protected]
      020 days ago

      Even if you are right, the actions were still done by individuals that should take full consequences. I doubt the opposite side would be able to (even if they wanted) convince a non islamic person to do something like that.

        • @[email protected]
          119 days ago

          Good point, but there are no proofs Vučič encouraged anyone to do it. I belive he did though, but we shouldn’t presume things like that. We were talknig about Germany. Serbia is not even in EU.

          • DerGottesknecht
            119 days ago

            On 1 December, Vučić made a statement following a similar incident in which he questioned whether the driver should be held responsible and arrested. He said the man was “going his way” and added, “Those who claim that such drivers should be arrested should splash their faces with cold water.”

            If you don’t see this as encouraging then I can’t help you.