The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Pretty_Recipe_7779 on 2025-02-10 15:07:24.

I 23 F have a sister 29 F whose birthday is coming up and my whole family decided to drive to her town which is a 4 hr car ride each way there and back. I was happy to do it with my 8 week old baby and even rented a better vehicle then the one I drive due to the fact it may snow on my way there and I drive a small car. However we were recently at my cousins birthday party and my mom brought up my sister’s birthday and let us know what she got my sister. Let me tell you nothing could have prepared me for the fact that my mom said she got my sister a sweatshirt that says favorite daughter on it…… yep you read that right. So I was just sitting there and my mom saw my face and told me that it was “ just a joke” and I should get over it and not get an attitude or be dramatic and that who knows maybe I’ll get one on my birthday (mind you that’s in over 10 months away at this point ). I just sat there s tunned and didn’t know what to say. On one hand I get that it could be funny if like she gave both of us the same sweatshirt at the same time but this feels deliberate like I’m supposed to feel like I’m not as good as my sister who tbh has always been the golden child in my eyes not that she didn’t deserve it I know my mom put tons of pressure on her about grades and after school activities while I wasn’t anywhere near my sisters level of confidence with school, friends and etc but I live in the same town as my mom and anytime she needs anything she either calls myself or my husband to help her. I love my mom but I just feel like if i go to the party and see this sweater that it’ll just solidify that I’m not as important and that I don’t know if I’ll be able to hid my reaction to this in a public setting. Also there was about 2 years where my mom and sister barely talked and only recently did they start talking regularly again.