Moreover, the DOT’s proposed prioritization would not benefit the American people as a whole. We find that the winners of such a policy would be higher-income areas and those with larger white populations. As such, the policy would reinforce many of the nation’s existing demographic inequities and fail to support the US residents most in need of expanded transportation investment.
That’s the point
If you’re surprised and didn’t vote, well. Yeah.
Well this got conveniently got buried in the musk and trump show. This would be massively damaging to our already shit infrastructure and basically gates federal funding behind states making laws to remove woman’s rights increase birth rates.
This is exactly like how the feds forced states to raise the drinking age to 21 and criminalize drunk driving in the 1980s by tying federal highway funding to it.
Next they will award the most fertile mothers a red dress and white nun-hat for their patriotic service to God-Country
So have more babies or lose funding. I’m sure a more cohesive network of ideas like these will be forthcoming.
These dolts are going to crash the birth rate even harder. No one wants to bring children into a technofascist shithole of a country. The birth rate is going to plummet to that of South Korea.
Damn, those guys over in Fuck Cars are going to be really pissy when they read this garbage.
Car dependency has always been based on privilege, racism, unsustainability, violence, etc.