The original post: /r/piracy by /u/Helpful-Grab5276 on 2025-01-30 10:50:46.
back in the days I used private trackers a lot to get my (german) warez.
The ones I can remember using were:
Bitfactory (later Bitcity if I remember correctly)
TS-Tracker (think it was called torrentsyndicate)
and its successor, TS2-Tracker.
There were some other, smaller ones, but those were the best ones.
Do trackers like that still exist?
Atm I am not using torrents anymore, but I will be getting fibreglass internet in the future (I hope near future) and I am planning on using torrents again when I got it.
I hope someone can give me some good hints, thanks in advane for every helpful answer.
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