The original post: /r/debian by /u/BigVikingBeard on 2025-01-29 23:58:02.

I have an older Asus 2 in 1 laptop (Win 8 era, for reference), the kind where the screen folds back all the way so you can sort of use it like a very large overly bulky tablet. I installed Gnome (though I’m not necessarily attached to it), and I was wondering if there is a way to set up the system so it will know I folded it all the way back and switch to using an on-screen keyboard?

Or if that isn’t really a thing that’s possible, how should I set up an on-screen keyboard so I can just open that when needed?

Significantly less important, I was wondering if it’s possible to resize the task bar at the top to make it a bit more touch friendly. It’s okay as is, but I wouldn’t mind it being a bit bigger.

If I should consider a different window manager, I’m open to that, too.