The original post: /r/ufos by /u/d_ego87 on 2025-01-04 11:30:58.
Let’s try to look at this world for what it really is, are we getting this right?
How about we take a train down memory lane and remember all of the great thinkers that have entertained the idea that his world is some kind of faulty simulation;
Jesus. In his core message - he preached about transcending this predatory-faulty simulation, the Church corrupted his message and hijacked the narrative. If you are not familiar with this, you might want to look into Gnosticism.
“The material world is an illusion, a false reality. Seek the true world, the world of the spirit.”
– Jesus - Gospel of Thomas 2
In a similar vein Plato. In his allegory of the Cave among many other works - argued that we are trapped in a cave of illusions.
“In the realm of the senses, we are prisoners. Only the mind can access the true knowledge of the Forms.”
– Plato -Phaedo.
Dr. Carl Gustav Jung arrived to curiously similar ideas with his collective (un)consciousness hypothesis. There is more than meets the eye…
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
– Dr. Carl Gustav Jung
Robert Monroe, who ventured in the astral realm and famously said…
“The physical universe as we know it is a type of ‘virtual reality,’ a simulation in which we, as conscious beings, are involved.”
— Robert Monroe - Far Journeys (1985)
Tesla on the nature of this universe.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
- Nikolai Tesla
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - famous French philosopher best known for his groundbreaking work in integrating science, philosophy, and spirituality.
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
— Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Perhaps it is difficult for some to accept that this reality might be some sort of construct and there might be other dimensions beyond ours but I would argue we are ready as a collective to accept the possibility of other dimensions and realities.
Maybe even another existence beyond “here”.
I mean, after all in our time now - with the advance of quantum physics we are arriving to similar conclusions;
an atom at its core it is nothing but wavelengths of possibilities
an object exists only if its been observed.
Makes you think right - perhaps after all - this reality is nothing but a faulty/predatory construct - that other great minds before us noticed and recognized this place for what it really is?
A message beyond our limited reality?
What if perhaps this recent wave of UAP are trying to show us the limitations of this construct by “mimi-crying” - shapeshifting and making the most impressive maneuvers our tech cannot match.
Much like Mathew McConaughey on Interstellar trying to communicate with his daughter - not an easy task if you ask me.
What if they are messengers from beyond the veil, showing us a way out of this simulated faulty construct?
Exciting times to be alive, let’s make sure to seize our moment, pay attention and maybe try to tune in into their presence.
In these times of rapid change and discovery, let’s remain mindful of what we may be unearthing.
Sometimes, the truth can be as disorienting as it is enlightening.