The original post: /r/piracy by /u/harrison0713 on 2025-01-02 17:46:06.
I have an Android head unit in my car from Xtrons, they have a built in app that is used to modify settings etc.
Each of the main pages are locked/ hidden behind secret codes, Xtrons provide you with the Factory Settings passcode (0000, how inventive) which has majority of the settings.
Going through activity launcher i have found there are more pages including one that is used to hide Stock Android options such as Dark Mode which i enabled using Wireless ADB.
Xtrons haven’t provided anything helpful when i reached out, I’ve tried searching online through many places like XDA and such and asked in one of the Android/ Android Head Units a few weeks back but no one replied and I fear that is because they think i am trying to find something for cracking passcodes.
What I am looking for is the passcodes to that app and wonder if there is a way to decompile the app to obtain them or if there is a APK that could brute force the passcode screen the app presents, when I’ve searched into this it only brings back results about unlocking the device itself not specific apps.
Or if i can decompile but not find the codes could i modify the app to bypass them?
I am sorry it is not directly piracy related but feel it can be considered piracy to gain access and have full control of the radio when im clearly not meant to