The original post: /r/movies by /u/Crowliie on 2025-01-01 03:16:02.

I see a lot of people talking movies that are really good, have an intriguing story or really good actions like Transformers One or Upgrade and then blame people for not going to see it in theatres for them to make money. People think other people just aren’t interested in these movies but they DON’T SEE the real issue in here!

These type of movies are released in really big countries like China or US and many others but they are not getting released in many other countries because they are not “blockbusters” and production companies just doesn’t believe in these movies or (for the Upgrade example) they don’t have enough money to market in small countries. I live in Turkey, blockbusters make from 20$mil to 50$mil from my country yet small scaled movies don’t come to here or countries that are alike. You can check it on IMDB, it is either non existent or for a small time. So these type of movies make less money yet people miss this issue.

Just wanted to express myself.