The original post: /r/piracy by /u/huhwhatnogoaway on 2024-12-31 18:41:17.

I have crappy internet and so downloading a gig file takes a very long time and my internet connect breaks often so if it doesn’t allow continuation then the download time was for naught. I’m also not bothered by 720p versus anything higher. 360p is where YouTube plays.

The megathread had a low filesize site link but all the links I have tried to get from there are all dead. Every. Single. One. The torrents (just tried I hate torrents) aren’t seeded either with multiple people usually asking for seeds. Plus you have to jump through hoops and I assume empty my PII to the world and use my machine as a miner. Still! I want the movie I’m looking for.

So I have come here to beg and hope that someone somewhere knows a better place for sub 1gig downloads. I know my chances are slim because if the unicorn existed it’d probably be on the list. But my normal DL site isn’t listed so I thought I’d ask.