The original post: /r/mildlyinfuriating by /u/eternalstarlet on 2024-12-30 07:27:16.

Just found out a few weeks ago that my parents have been financially supporting my dad’s older brother for longer than I’ve been alive. They have been regularly sending $ to my deadbeat uncle (let’s call him Uncle Couch Potato) for decades… right now it’s $500/mo. And get this, my other uncle (Uncle Rich) is also sending $$ to Uncle Couch Potato. I think it might have been similar amounts to what my parents have been sending him. So my parents have successfully raised responsible, hardworking children…. but have been enabling this mooching person for decades. It just blew my mind. My mom said, if we don’t give him $, how would he live? Um, cut him off decades ago? I mean, it’s their money, but things are not right in here….