The original post: /r/travel by /u/nesss19_cr on 2024-12-29 12:51:52.

I just came back home after three weeks in New Zealand over Christmas and the journey is pretty brutal. On my way back I left Wellington at 4, got to Auckland at 5, left again for San Francisco at 7, after 12h got there around 11 am of that same day (mad time change), had to wait for a 6h layover which became 9h due to delays and finally embarked the last 11h flight to London. The journey back was far worse than the way in between delays, nasty turbulence and long waiting times.

I managed to sleep for 3ish hours on the first flight to SFO but couldn’t on the second one since the plane was packed and my seat was damaged and couldn’t recline. Once I got home I crashed for 1h and after that no sleep again for a full day - making it more than 2 days awake with no sleep. I’m also extremely nauseous and spaced out and anxious at times.

Has this ever happened to you? If so how did you manage to finally get some sleep? Is the upset stomach normal? I never had this symptom and I don’t understand what could be causing it.
