The original post: /r/3dprinting by /u/Halfmans on 2024-12-28 16:35:27.
Hi everyone, I’m currently having a hard time trying to fix an issue…
When I’m printing big flat surfaces like the one on the pictures, my first layer doesn’t look good as you will see…
My printer is an Elegoo Neptune 4 Plus (with latest firmware) and I’m using Orca Slicer 2.2.0, I’m using Elegoo black PLA+ for this example.
Temperatures are 210°C for the nozzle, 65°C for the bed.
What I tried so far is to do the Z-level procedure many times with both thickness gauge (0.1mm) and paper technique with hot bed. I didn’t notice any improvements (I started from what I think is the good position then tried +/- 0.02mm with a step of 0.01mm).
I also did the screw tilt adjust procedure a couple of times then printer’s auto bed leveling, my bed looks pretty flat in my opinion:
I would say it’s more an “aesthetic” issue as my prints are more than fine in the end + it doesn’t really appear on small prints but I’m a bit fussy and trying to fix this drives me a bit mad.
What parameters can I tune to improve that?
Thank you for your help!