The original post: /r/cryptocurrency by /u/lillyofthedesert on 2024-12-27 17:27:29.

I am new to crypto. Still in my infancy stages of deep diving. I realize that each crypto is either based on another crypto, or has a specific task that it is performing to create its place. I’m not sure that I used any of the right words there, but that is the level of my understanding at this moment.*

I recently read an article that said with the current way things are going in the larger digital world, it’s inevitable for banks and stock markets to move on chain. But the article didn’t say which block chain. So my question is, what block chains would appeal to these types of transactions? Would it just be xrp (that’s bank transaction performance, correct?) or am I still too shallow in my understanding of how all this works?

And if there is more than one crypto, how do institutions decide which block chains to work with to process bank or stock transactions?

I am definitely trying to learn with a lot of Internet time spent on this currently. But the more I search, the more iminnundated with false claims of get rich quick schemes and exorbant promises of what all these chains can do to make me rich. But finding specific a transactions use and scope and explainations to help me understand what each block chain does is mostly alluding me.

*any suggestions on resources where I can try and understand more about each individual cryptos differences would be greatly appreciated as I seem to be currently going in a circle instead of going deeper in my understanding