The original post: /r/ubuntu by /u/Aggravating-Tip69 on 2024-12-27 11:11:59.

Guys i am a new user, literallt 2 days old user. For linux in general… after i set up ubuntu, i changed display refresh rate from settings to 180 hz which is max for my monitor… next day i understood that its better to download and install amd gpu drivers for my gpu so that i can run my gpu better and all… i did it, or not … idk literally, i did the code thing from the terminal after i downloaded the linux version kf the driver from the website… Anyway… after since… sceen is tearing heavily. I checked settings, its stuck on 60 refresh rate, and there is no toggle list where i can adjust the refresh rate any more… i tried everything literally… xbandr or whatever that code is, i restored the old open source drivers… or so i think… i turned off freesync… i did million things… after each i reboot… any last help before i go back for windows once and for all… i literally downloaded 5.8 gb iso and ready to fly back to the 🪟🪟🪟