The original post: /r/debian by /u/_BEER_Sghe on 2024-12-27 02:20:58.

Hi all!

I recently assembled a new PC and wanted to try Debian distro (I’m new to Linux, been only using a little bit of Manjaro before).

So I installed Debian Bookworm with the graphical tool and it all went fine, but the problems started at the first reboot: it was stuck in a black screen and a blinking “_”.

After some search I read that it has something to do with the GPU drivers (I have a GeForce RTX 4060), so went on a quest by reading some tutorials.

First, I haven’t disabled secure boot since on the Debian Wiki it’s not suggested.

When I disabled the integrated graphics in the UEFI I could start to reach the login, but everything on the screen is huge and with a low resolution.

I tried the two ways:

  • using the drivers installer downloaded from Nvidia site (so the .run file), which if I got it correctly is a bad habit.

  • using the regular “apt install nvidia-drivers” from another tutorial (not the official wiki procedure though).

Both these ways have been carried out with a fresh reinstall of the os, and both weren’t succesful.

After the nvidia-drivers package installation the “nouveau drivers conflict” window appeared, but after rebooting I typed “nvidia-smi” to check if all went fine and THIS line appeared: “NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn’t communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.”; what does it indicate?

Now I’m stuck with the wiki guide at point 2 of the “Debian 12 Bookworm” section: after opening the “here” link of that point I installed the dkms package but there is no /var/lib/dkms/mok.key…

What am I missing, did the install process of some package go wrong?

Thank you in advance for your time and your patience :)

Edit: error message prompts after nvidia-smi, not during pre-login screen.