The original post: /r/cybersecurity by /u/Delicious_Fig_8400 on 2024-12-23 13:47:50.
I wonder if it could the same ways other leaks do. We had leaks of passwords multiple multiple times but the only leak of search history was by AOL and it was the company who did it. If I am wrong correct me and the post will be edited. That’s what I read online.
Why do we see passwords leaks, phone number leaks, but never search history leaks or messages leaks? Can it ever happen? Do you think it will and can we protect ourselves from it? In other ways than using safe browsers and apps to message, I didn’t always and became worried because obviously I would not want my information be avaible for everyone.
Google, FB, sell our data to other places. Could those companies leak it too? I would guess google and fb have good security measures but smaller companies may not.