The original post: /r/torrents by /u/The_Editor on 2024-12-21 13:18:25.


I’ve been setting up an *arr stack, deployed in docker, and all running on a headless ubuntu server (N100 mini PC).

I have:

✔ Network mediastack      Created                                                                                                         
✔ Container prowlarr      Started                                                                                                            
✔ Container sonarr        Started                                                                                                              
✔ Container plex          Started                                                                                                            
✔ Container flaresolverr  Started                                                                                                          
✔ Container portainer     Started                                                                                                          
✔ Container qbittorrent   Started                                                                                                          
✔ Container gluetun       Started                                                                                                           
✔ Container swag          Started                                                                                                            
✔ Container radarr        Started                                                                                                           
✔ Container ddns-updater  Started 

I have swag, ddns, and plex using “mediastack” as their network, portainer running “bridge”, and everything else routing through “service:gluetun”.

I can access prowlarr, radarr, sonarr, flaresolverr, portainer through [localhost]:[port] on my laptop.

I can reach the webUI for QBittorrent or Plex.

If I add new media/torrents via Sonarr/Radarr I can see they successfully add to QBittorrent, and I can see from the logs that QBittorrent is running.

I’ve tried variations of:

  • [hostname]:[port] from my laptop
  • [host local IP]:[port] from my laptop
  • localhost:[port] whilst running a remote desktop to the server so it’s local access
  •[port] as above

No difference in any circumstance, I get the following error when trying QBit for example:

Nothing in the logs for QBit or any other containers that I can’t reach… I’m baffled…