The original post: /r/homelab by /u/NiaDebesi on 2024-12-06 10:34:04.

I have a mikrotik router ccr2004. I have updated it to the latest version and I am trying to set an adlist.

Before asking this are the details:

-Absolutely no firewall rules -Nat rule just masquerade schrnat

  • No peer dns used (nor in dchp nor in ppp)
  • PPOE client
  • DHCP Server

Now, I just go to the adlist section and put the steven block adlist, no ssl and everything. With the updated cache everything load perfectly, more cache used.

The problem is that I dont get a single match, not even one. Okay, if I remember correctly I have to set the dns equal as the one of the router board, so I go to PPP interface and check what my remote address is, in my case and put it in my DNS section and in my DCHP Server in the networks section (equal to my gateway or routerboard, same Now on windows I tried setting my dns as the same of the routerboard (no internet) or leave it to automacally get the dns, internet ok but no ads blocked.

I am really getting frustrated, i cant get it to work, I miss something and donr understand what. I only get no internet or no ads blocked…

Please help folks