The original post: /r/mildlyinfuriating by /u/marcgw96 on 2024-12-05 19:56:43.

In the span of a year between June 2023 and June 2024 my car insurance six month premium increased by about 50 percent despite no incidents during that time. As I’ve been led to believe premiums went up a lot due to lots of theft and what not in the city of Seattle in recent years. Then in August someone hit my car while it was parked out in front of my house and sped off without leaving a note or anything. They were never identified so my insurance ended up paying a significant portion for repairs due my “uninsured motorist” protection.

But now on my newest renewal bill, they didn’t raise my premium at all (not that it should when I wasn’t at fault). It makes me feel like it was just Geico’s corporate greed trying to prey on unaware customers for the previous 2 bill cycles like how internet providers do