The original post: /r/lifeprotips by /u/Karnezar on 2024-12-04 22:12:13.

My mother had an interview coming up and they wanted her to record herself talking about herself.

So I sat down with her and had a regular conversation. I told her to ignore the camera and just talk about herself and her job.

Then I took the video, and cut myself out. Then I edited little cue cards in like “What motivates you?” And “How did you get your start?” So the cuts seemed more natural.

Then I recorded nothing but silence, and used that as the background audio so it would transition from the cue card to her speaking. Otherwise, it was awkward to go from the cue card to her immediately giving the answer. There was about a half second of silence between the cue card and her answer, and I had her voice fade in just a little bit so it wasn’t so abrupt.