The original post: /r/datahoarder by /u/pheasantjune on 2024-12-02 18:06:12.

Why/problem: I’m now looking for a main external drive to edit off of and to have access to see all of my files. I ended up at a DAS because the speeds for NAS’s were not good enough to do this.

Who: I’m mainly a photographer and sometimes video editor - speed needed.

Where: I have back ups of my files to a few offsite hard drives - so no worries on thinking that I think this is a back up solution. What I’m asking for is a DAS recommendation.

As a side question - does anyone know what happens when a DAS is set in RAID1 and one drive fails? Unlike a NAS that can rebuild itself, what actually happens with a DAS? I’ve heard horror stories of a drive failing and it taking out the whole system because you can’t get another DAS to read the remaining drive (as it would need to be formatted). Maybe I’m mis informed. This seems to be a problem with the Sandisk model.

I’m stuck between these RAID options - does anyone have any recommendations?

OWC Gemini: Gatsby UK&utm_content=OWC Gemini Thunderbolt Dock and Dual-Bay RAID External Storage Enclosure&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADgXmCorl8K7bqcsqvrV5uKC9WU-e&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI99fAh9SJigMVXpZQBh06WhciEAQYASABEgKLlPD_BwE

SANDISK G RAID 12TB:!15012!3!722714678327!!!g!294682000766!!21930201720!172373889113&utm_medium=pdsh2&utm_source=gads&utm_campaign=GOOG-WDB-EU-UK-en-Shopping&utm_content=294682000766&utm_term=SDPHH2H-012T-MBAAD&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACnR1VjgOlVCYMigbuCPE0SJzczQy&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhee1htWJigMV5pxQBh3jkgJWEAQYASABEgJUtvD_BwE