The original post: /r/aliens by /u/Sad-Push-5362 on 2024-12-02 07:33:27.

I just want the Aliens to fix everything and make life more tolerable …

There’s reports at the moment that UFO’s are hovering around military bases in Europe, the Middle East and the US, and some have suggested that aliens are protecting the planet from the risk of a potenal 3rd world war.

Apparently these aliens have amazing disarmament capabilities, and can intuitively sense If Vladimir Putin is on the cusp of pushing the deadly red button, that will launch nukes at the Ukraine, or whoever he’s most pissed off with, when his frustration reaches it’s threshold point, and his tolerance wears off.

On the other hand, aliens probably don’t exist and these ideas about UFOs and entities saving us from the nuclear apocalypse, are likey just fake news reports, written by bored, imaginative mother-fuckers procrastinating while sitting at a desk in their shit cubicles at work…

And, truth be told, I don’t blame these guys for doing this because I, too, am hoping that a massive-arse intergalactic mothership lands on a random Ukrainian battle field sometime soon. I want to see clear footage of a seamless UFO door opening and a small squad of sage extraterrestrials floating down an invisible escalator to negotiate with the homosapains in attendance.

I want the meeting to go well and hope that the aliens (and humans) are unharmed. Most of all, I want these entities to help us (humanty) overcome our egotistical, greedy and self-defensive bullshit, so that the human experience, and life on this palnet might become more tolerable than it currently is. Surely, the aliens have the answers and can help us.

To be cont …