The original post: /r/pcmasterrace by /u/default_lizzy on 2024-12-02 08:09:04.
r/buildapc now has a cringe karma requirement, (karma has to be gained within the sub - a core way to do that would be posting… ) thus I am posting here. does make sense from a mod standpoint but… why now?
tl;dr actual question is what are my MOUSE options off the mainstream?
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quick mouse facts (my mouse history)
DELL MOA8BO (godly) > Microsoft MIMS-BTERGOBLK (tiniest thing in the world, even for you guys) > HP H2L63AA > G402 (also godly, until double clicking issues) > G502 HERO [wired] > G502X [wired] > and then these two funky Razer mice came along.
pretty sure those first 3 mice capped at 1000DPI, used the 402 at 1600, the 502s at 3600 and 3800 respectively. for the day i was using the DAV3 Hyperspeed I used it at 3800, which felt really solid, the problem was purely mouse size, not anything else. I actually have the VV3 Pro calibrated like the MOA8BO right now, which is fun, but i might switch to 3800 again as I find myself picking up the mouse a lot to rotate in-game. May calibrate it with the 402 too just for fun.
I pretty much always play max sense, which I’m told I’m insane for at such “high” DPI.
I picked up a Razer DAV3 Hyperspeed the other day, way too small for my hands, the mouse basically has no middle sections, it’s a bum and then the buttons. I traded it in for a VV3 Pro, which is honestly a bit overkill for me (I am likely never going to use, much less notice a polling rate of 8000Hz, I have a 180Hz monitor and have a weak card, a 75W 4050, so even at 1080p, so getting a good framerate, much less holding it, is out of the cards) BUT it fits my hand much better (and I only paid 80 extra for it), but I do feel my right finger going over the edge just a bit sometimes. I also feel my thumb, pinky and ring finger rubbing against my mouse mat, which doesn’t bother me that much but it’s something to note. Something else to note is the VV3 is also the first proper symmetrical mouse I have used in a while. I reckon I have a hyprid palm and claw grip (no finger resting)
hand dimensions:
length: 20cm
width: 9cm
circumference: 14cm
my hands aren’t meaty but rather wirey and long.
I am now addicted to the idea of something lightweights, being under 60g (reformed G502 user, never going back) and wireless, but still full-body and maybe not as overkill as the VV3 Pro lol, the VV2 Pro is 50 bucks cheaper, likely due to the lack of a hyperpolling dongle, around the same weight and size, just with a different design (also only comes in white for my region, which I am not particularly found of). I have it now so I might just stick with it as it seems to be a popular pick right now, especially with the SEN variant. All I’m wishing for is maybe something a teeny tiny little bit bigger than the VV3 Pro.
i used to think weight was nerd shit but i get it now. i’ve watched a handful of mouse stuff on YT and have obviously scrolled r/MouseReview, so i know a bunch of whacky brands but have never really looked into them. also wondering if clones are any good, and if stuff like Zowie is truly better for bigger hands. I usually shop my local stores (i live in a sleepy town in NSW Australia, mentioned stores being a JB Hi-Fi and an EB Games, real hot picks i know) but im okay with looking online. budget is around 300AUD or so but I’m not super keen on overspending on a mouse lol.
author’s note: things I haven’t really taken into account here are clicker paddles (?) which vary in size from mouse to mouse, for example on the OP1 they’d probably be WAY too small for me. another thing is skates and mousepad. I spent 20 bucks on my mousepad, it’s black long boy that houses my keeb and room for my mouse, nothing special, and if you’re really curious it’s the PLAYMAX SURFACE X2 MOUSE PA, which honestly sounds like an adult toy. onto skates and grips, wouldn’t be keen to modify the mouse I JUST GOT, usually don’t have an issue with gripping but skates have admittedly intrigued me more than once.