The original post: /r/aliens by /u/loves2spooge2018 on 2024-12-01 20:11:13.
Heres another great video by Youtuber Jesse Michels, his guest, Eric Wargo, describes a type of “time travel” that could potentially explain astral projection, psychics, and other “Psi” cases where people have predicted various future events. Wargo explains that successful predictions of future events could be explained by the human brains function as a sort of quantum computer, that can access future knowledge/experiences that we’ve yet to live out. As an example, you may predict that you’ll crash your car in the snow at some future point (lets say you have a dream about it) then two years later you experience that car crash. How does this happen? How did you predict this event with the dream you had? Wargo believes that you’re accessing a memory of a future event that you’ve yet to live out. Effectively traveling through time and accessing knowledge of future events, not because you’re psychic, but because we have the ability to access our personal future knowledge bank of memories.
In this episode they talk about countless examples where people have had premonitions/dreams/predictions years in advance, only to have them play out in real life during future events.
Is it possible that we could access our future knowledge of stock performances/crashes etc? Lets not answer that with a yes/no yet, but instead explore this topic to see if it has merit. I’m a person who watches stock performances and is curious about the stock markets performance in general. Is it reasonable to expect I will I be checking the price of say, Tesla stock (TSLA), in the year 2030? I think so. And If so, can I somehow access that knowledge of TSLA stock performance NOW to somehow inform my decisions today? I don’t have that answer, but I want it!
Stay curious with me, and let’s explore if there’s a way to predict future events, based on our future knowledge, so that we can empower ourselves today!