The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/Wild_Asparagus_7038 on 2024-10-13 07:56:56.

My(17m) sister (14f) says that if she doesn’t take Advil like right when her period starts her cramps get really bad and she’s always whining about them even after Advil.

My parents had to do things this morning so it was just me and my sister and I had closed last night at work and I was going to open today morning at around like 10:30 so I had to leave the house at 10-10:10, and she asked me at like 8:30 to go get her Advil. I asked why and she said she ran out and by the time our parents would have gotten home from where they were even if they like left right now’, it would be too late. I said too bad I’m trying to relax. She said please and said something about how she didn’t want to suffer all day. I told her that I didn’t care and that Advil was like 20 fucking dollars and that she should have just planned better. She left upset and when i got home from work my parents were all mad calling me a horrible brother or something saying I MADE(?) her suffer and since i paid for my car and I pay gas they said they were gonna stop paying insurance since I wasn’t using my car for “good reasons” and kept ranting about something and I just ignored them, yet now im starting to think maybe I should have just got the Advil.