The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/PurposeDisastrous486 on 2024-10-13 03:18:51.

(Sorry about any grammar or spelling mistakes, I’m not good at English)

I, 16F, am a lesbian and in a poly relationship with 2 other women, and this week I’m visiting my nan for her birthday.

During a conversation about dating (I wasn’t present for this, I was later told by my cousin) my sister (19 F), told her I was dating two girls.

My nan came up to me later and started talking about how I was confused and even offered to set me up with some boys to help me ‘understand’ how to live life. I got upset and walked away, my cousin (22 M) told me what happened later and asked if I was alright because our Nan had started telling people I was really confused.

I got even more upset, and I feel I might be TA here but I told her that my older sister was currently dating a girl as well, while my sister was present, she got upset with me and called my a ‘snitching bitch’ and walked away.

My mum told me I was out of line for telling Nan about my sisters relationship even though she told her about mine


UPDATE: I know I only put up this post a few hours ago, but one of my gf’s saw it and we had a talk. I get it now, I was the AH for outing my sister, even though she outed me first.

Also to the people saying I can’t be poly, I am. Me and two other people are in a loving relationship, get over it.