The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/ballbaron999 on 2024-10-10 14:16:16.
I still live at home, plan on moving out next year , just saving some money right now, and in march my girlfriend was visiting and got into an argument with my dad. My dad did not behave correctly in my opinion but it’s not like he cussed her out. The starting point of the argument was, that when she got to our house she apparently did not say hello and went straight by him without saying hello and he felt disrespected, that’s what he told her and he said he thinks she is a little weird. She says it’s an misunderstanding and that she did in fact say hello . So such a small small thing which shouldn’t be that big of an issue. I feel like I am kinda in the middle and don’t know quite what to do . I spoke to my dad and he said it’s done for him and it’s not an issue anymore since a lot of time has passed since then. Here’s the hing where I don’t side with my girlfriend on this: she refuses to come by my house if my parents are there. And she says she will only visit me if I move out or when my parents aren’t home. This leads to us not seeing each other as frequently since if we want to see each other it’s always me that’s gotta go to her place (she lives alone), she gets mad at me if I want to sleep at home for a night but refuses to come to me. Am I the asshole because I am staying at home because I don’t always want to go to her place ? Also this conflict can go on forever especially if we get married one day . I hope this was understandable since English is not my first language. Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated !