The original post: /r/seedboxes by /u/True_Expert on 2024-10-10 01:12:42.

I’ve been on TL for over a year and struggling with a good ratio. I decided to buy a Hetzner server to improve my ratio, but I’m having some issues. I’m uploading around 3TB per day, but it seems like it could do much more based on what I’ve read in some forums. The server has 2 x 1TB NVMe drives raid 0, 1Gbit, 32GB RAM. My current setup includes Autobrr with an update tracker script and 10-250GB free leech files, set with 2-3 max active downloads in Autobrr.

Another issue is with peering/connecting. It doesn’t always connect to the original seeder 0(1), and the number of peers on larger torrents is around 85-90(120). Can this be improved?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.