The original post: /r/television by /u/HaydenScramble on 2024-10-09 04:54:46.

Family Guy’s Quagmire is the one that comes to mind for me. Around season 7 or so he started a bit of a rehab in the way he was written and went from being an oversexed, womanizing goofball (putting it very mildly because there were regular rape jokes and his character probably aged the worst) to being a relatively normal, smart pervert who likes cats. Family Guy isn’t perfect, but Quagmire’s character shift is really solid because it keeps with his original idea but adapts and rightfully changes him to be more palatable.

Andy from The Office is the exact opposite, going through, what, four different iterations in the whole show?

Anyway, what other characters have been successfully adjusted/rehabbed/fixed etc.?