The original post: /r/aliens by /u/SystematicApproach on 2024-10-09 01:18:27.

Universities and research institutions are supposed to be at the forefront of discovery and truth. But anyone who’s spent time in these circles knows that academia is all about conforming. If you have ideas that challenge mainstream views, good luck getting them published or funded. If your research touches on anything that’s been conveniently labeled as “fringe” or “pseudoscience,” you’ll be dismissed before you even begin.

Why? Because academia runs on a system of peer review and funding that rewards compliance with the status quo. Academics need tenure, they need grants, and to get both, they need to play the game. Research that could reveal real human history, or even point toward the existence of NHI, gets shut down before it ever sees the light of day. The gatekeepers are not interested in exploring the unknown; they’re interested in maintaining their own authority.

Science should be about discovery and inquiry. But today’s scientific institutions have become the modern equivalent of a dogmatic church. They adhere to a rigid consensus, and anything that challenges the prevailing orthodoxy is met with immediate ridicule and dismissal. Take any topic labeled as pseudoscience—whether it’s alternative history, NHI, or quantum consciousness—and you’ll see how quickly scientific authorities jump to debunk, rather than investigate.

Most scientists rely on institutional funding and peer recognition, so stepping outside of accepted norms is career suicide. The system promotes groupthink and discourages the exploration of anything that might disrupt the comfortable consensus that science has created for itself.

The most tragic part of all of this is that real truth and progress are being sacrificed at the altar of control, conformity, and convenience. Our understanding of our own history, of consciousness, and of the universe is being stunted by these broken institutions.

The real conspiracy is we’ll continue to be fed half-truths and lies while the real story remains hidden until we demand better; no matter what side of the debate you’re on.