The original post: /r/amitheasshole by /u/discard_piles on 2024-09-29 18:45:54.

I (21F) have been seeing my boyfriend (25M) for almost a year. I’m sure everyone says this and this will come across as naive while still in the early relationship stage but I do genuinely believe he is my person. I knew from the moment I met him that he is. We’ve already discussed moving in together, marriage, kids, not that we’re in any rush but we’ve both made it clear that we’re sticking together for life.

Within 2 weeks of dating I invited him on holiday with my family as I had a spare ticket (asked if they were okay with that first) and my family adore him. Both my family and my bf had a great time. They said this is the happiest they’ve seen me in years. And his friends have said the same thing about him.

Now to the present, I’ve been discussing Christmas plans with my boyfriend and I am desperate to spend it together. He has been working it the last few years as his family live abroad, so he’s requested it off this year. The problem is, I thought my family didn’t mind him staying over until recently (I still live with them, and I always ask and wait for them to confirm it’s okay) but my mum has said she feels she doesn’t see much of me anymore because I stay at his for days at a time (again, always in the loop, will message throughout the time I’m there) and she feels when I do he invades our family time. She said she does like him and she’s glad he gets along so well with us all, but she misses having conversations just us two. I still live with my parents and two siblings. My brother recently went through a breakup so gets a bit upset when he sees me in a relationship, but recently really bonded with him.

AITA if I ask them if my bf can spend Christmas day with us? I want to spend time with them all as I obviously adore them all, and my bf is already excited at the idea of not spending it alone or working. He said he could help with cooking (his parents are both chefs). I know my sister would be excited too. I just don’t want to upset my parents and come across as insensitive, especially as we lost one of my siblings some years ago so holidays are a challenge for them anyway.