The original post: /r/pihole by /u/TraditionalNumber638 on 2024-09-29 09:49:52.

Hey all,

i am using pihole for several years now, i have NEVER had any issues with blocking ads on any of my devices (around 30 devices are connected). However, for 2-3 weeks now, i realized that although i didn’t change any settings (neither pihole nor phone/tablet settings), I get in-app ads on my Android devices again .

Some further information:

  • Ad blocking on smart tvs (samsung) and on my ipad works perfectly fine

  • Regarding my Android devices (S23 & S24 + Tablet S8+): They are connected via pihole, i also clearly see the traffic in the query log when I use my browser (Firefox / Brave) and that traffic is being blocked, BUT other than on my iPad the in-app ads are not blocked anymore and the traffic is somehow also not covered in the query log.

I absolutely run out of ideas (already changed the private DNS option on my Android devices, used a static IP and entered the DNS server (pihole) manually, etc - nothing works).

Does anyone have an idea, what could have caused this and how to solve it? Would it make sense to switch to pihole v6 beta?

Any help is highly appreciated !