The original post: /r/pihole by /u/alokrk on 2024-09-27 19:18:00.

I am trying to set up PiHole with my new AT&T Fiber setup. They have their own modem and router setup in the BGW-320 500. I have tried to follow at least 4-5 different Reddit guides which have two categories of solutions. Neither of which is working for me yet.

  • Connect pi to modem, assign static IP to pi. disable DHCP and IPv6 on ATT and set up pihole as is. Problem: This works for a day or two until it does not. Not sure if the lease expiry is an issue since I am assigning DHCP server as my pihole. And a static IP to the pi
  • Use the modem/router in Bridge/Passthrough mode. Problem: This modem is located in a location w/o any other power source. I am not able to connect a router to it at all. Even my Pi was taking power from the modem USB port.

Does anyone have any other ideas I could or suggestions I could use? My Pi has been setup for years. But the new place forces me to use ATT and with it their modem/router with a lack of power source means I cannot go back to my old setup.